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18F: Digital service delivery | Snippets

18F has begun collecting and publishing team member "snippets," short lists summarizing what you worked on the previous week and what you plan to work on during the upcoming week. Team members submit their snippets each Monday, and they are published internally for all to peruse. Snippets foster transparency and team cohesion, spark productive interactions, and can be cultivated right away using tools already at-hand.


18F: Digital service delivery | Snippets


18F has begun collecting and publishing team member "snippets," short lists summarizing what you worked on the previous week and what you plan to work on during the upcoming week. Team members submit their snippets each Monday, and they are published internally for all to peruse. Snippets foster transparency and team cohesion, spark productive interactions, and can be cultivated right away using tools already at-hand.



18F: Digital service delivery | Snippets

18F has begun collecting and publishing team member "snippets," short lists summarizing what you worked on the previous week and what you plan to work on during the upcoming week. Team members submit their snippets each Monday, and they are published internally for all to peruse. Snippets foster transparency and team cohesion, spark productive interactions, and can be cultivated right away using tools already at-hand.

  • General Meta Tags

    • title
      18F: Digital service delivery | Snippets
    • title
      Arrow left
    • title
      Arrow right
    • charset
    • X-UA-Compatible
  • Open Graph Meta Tags

    • og:title
      18F: Digital service delivery | Snippets
    • og:description
      18F has begun collecting and publishing team member "snippets," short lists summarizing what you worked on the previous week and what you plan to work on during the upcoming week. Team members submit their snippets each Monday, and they are published internally for all to peruse. Snippets foster transparency and team cohesion, spark productive interactions, and can be cultivated right away using tools already at-hand.
    • og:type
    • og:url
  • Twitter Meta Tags

    • twitter:card
    • twitter:site
    • twitter:title
    • twitter:description
      18F has begun collecting and publishing team member "snippets," short lists summarizing what you worked on the previous week and what you plan to work on during the upcoming week. Team members submit their snippets each Monday, and they are published internally for all to peruse. Snippets foster transparency and team cohesion, spark productive interactions, and can be cultivated right away using tools already at-hand.
  • Link Tags

    • apple-touch-icon
    • canonical
    • icon
    • icon
    • icon
