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18F: Digital service delivery | How 90 minutes with Lego bricks taught these executives agile

The Small Business Administration was ready to try something different. So they asked 18F Consulting to run an “introduction to agile” workshop for their executives. With the help of a bucket of Legos, the executives were able to learn the basics of agile development practices in only an afternoon.


18F: Digital service delivery | How 90 minutes with Lego bricks taught these executives agile


The Small Business Administration was ready to try something different. So they asked 18F Consulting to run an “introduction to agile” workshop for their executives. With the help of a bucket of Legos, the executives were able to learn the basics of agile development practices in only an afternoon.



18F: Digital service delivery | How 90 minutes with Lego bricks taught these executives agile

The Small Business Administration was ready to try something different. So they asked 18F Consulting to run an “introduction to agile” workshop for their executives. With the help of a bucket of Legos, the executives were able to learn the basics of agile development practices in only an afternoon.

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      18F: Digital service delivery | How 90 minutes with Lego bricks taught these executives agile
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      18F: Digital service delivery | How 90 minutes with Lego bricks taught these executives agile
    • og:description
      The Small Business Administration was ready to try something different. So they asked 18F Consulting to run an “introduction to agile” workshop for their executives. With the help of a bucket of Legos, the executives were able to learn the basics of agile development practices in only an afternoon.
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      How 90 minutes with Lego bricks taught these executives agile
    • twitter:description
      The Small Business Administration was ready to try something different. So they asked 18F Consulting to run an “introduction to agile” workshop for their executives. With the help of a bucket of Legos, the executives were able to learn the basics of agile development practices in only an afternoon.
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