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20- 25 links to18f.gsa.gov
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Search Engine Appearance
18F: Digital service delivery | Looking at the different ways to test content
We know good content when we see it, and we’re frustrated when we don’t. Keeping this in mind, are there ways that writers can quantify and measure their writing? We’ve looked at different tests you can run depending on the age of your audience.
18F: Digital service delivery | Looking at the different ways to test content
We know good content when we see it, and we’re frustrated when we don’t. Keeping this in mind, are there ways that writers can quantify and measure their writing? We’ve looked at different tests you can run depending on the age of your audience.
18F: Digital service delivery | Looking at the different ways to test content
We know good content when we see it, and we’re frustrated when we don’t. Keeping this in mind, are there ways that writers can quantify and measure their writing? We’ve looked at different tests you can run depending on the age of your audience.
General Meta Tags
9- title18F: Digital service delivery | Looking at the different ways to test content
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Open Graph Meta Tags
4- og:title18F: Digital service delivery | Looking at the different ways to test content
- og:descriptionWe know good content when we see it, and we’re frustrated when we don’t. Keeping this in mind, are there ways that writers can quantify and measure their writing? We’ve looked at different tests you can run depending on the age of your audience.
- og:typearticle
- og:url/2016/04/19/looking-at-the-different-ways-to-test-content/
Twitter Meta Tags
4- twitter:cardsummary
- twitter:site@18F
- twitter:titleLooking at the different ways to test content
- twitter:descriptionWe know good content when we see it, and we’re frustrated when we don’t. Keeping this in mind, are there ways that writers can quantify and measure their writing? We’ve looked at different tests you can run depending on the age of your audience.
Link Tags
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56- http://alistapart.com/article/testing-content
- http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1843415
- http://www.cooley.edu/faculty/trudeau.html
- http://www.mindofmyown.org.uk
- https://18f.gsa.gov