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18F: Digital service delivery | Technology Transformation Service looking for new commissioner

Now’s the time to get involved in transforming how the government builds, buys, and shares technology. Now’s the time to lead a growing office of talented and motivated people looking to help federal agencies deliver better services to the public at a lower cost. Sound interesting? Then we’ve got a job for you: Commissioner of the Technology Transformation Service.


18F: Digital service delivery | Technology Transformation Service looking for new commissioner


Now’s the time to get involved in transforming how the government builds, buys, and shares technology. Now’s the time to lead a growing office of talented and motivated people looking to help federal agencies deliver better services to the public at a lower cost. Sound interesting? Then we’ve got a job for you: Commissioner of the Technology Transformation Service.



18F: Digital service delivery | Technology Transformation Service looking for new commissioner

Now’s the time to get involved in transforming how the government builds, buys, and shares technology. Now’s the time to lead a growing office of talented and motivated people looking to help federal agencies deliver better services to the public at a lower cost. Sound interesting? Then we’ve got a job for you: Commissioner of the Technology Transformation Service.

  • General Meta Tags

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      18F: Digital service delivery | Technology Transformation Service looking for new commissioner
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  • Open Graph Meta Tags

    • og:title
      18F: Digital service delivery | Technology Transformation Service looking for new commissioner
    • og:description
      Now’s the time to get involved in transforming how the government builds, buys, and shares technology. Now’s the time to lead a growing office of talented and motivated people looking to help federal agencies deliver better services to the public at a lower cost. Sound interesting? Then we’ve got a job for you: Commissioner of the Technology Transformation Service.
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  • Twitter Meta Tags

    • twitter:card
    • twitter:site
    • twitter:title
      Technology Transformation Service looking for new commissioner
    • twitter:description
      Now’s the time to get involved in transforming how the government builds, buys, and shares technology. Now’s the time to lead a growing office of talented and motivated people looking to help federal agencies deliver better services to the public at a lower cost. Sound interesting? Then we’ve got a job for you: Commissioner of the Technology Transformation Service.
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