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DJ Marcelle - DICE Conference + Festival, Berlin
Surprise, adventure, entertainment and education: Four key words often used for describing Dutch DJ and producer Marcelle/Another Nice Mess. Using live (and in the studio) three turntables, Marcelle takes her mix talents to high heights. She is as much, or even more of, a musician as she is a dj. She produces her own […]
DJ Marcelle - DICE Conference + Festival, Berlin
Surprise, adventure, entertainment and education: Four key words often used for describing Dutch DJ and producer Marcelle/Another Nice Mess. Using live (and in the studio) three turntables, Marcelle takes her mix talents to high heights. She is as much, or even more of, a musician as she is a dj. She produces her own […]
DJ Marcelle - DICE Conference + Festival, Berlin
Surprise, adventure, entertainment and education: Four key words often used for describing Dutch DJ and producer Marcelle/Another Nice Mess. Using live (and in the studio) three turntables, Marcelle takes her mix talents to high heights. She is as much, or even more of, a musician as she is a dj. She produces her own […]
General Meta Tags
6- titleDJ Marcelle - DICE Conference + Festival, Berlin
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- robotsindex, follow, max-image-preview:large, max-snippet:-1, max-video-preview:-1
- article:modified_time2019-10-08T13:35:28+00:00
Open Graph Meta Tags
16- og:localeen_US
- og:typearticle
- og:titleDJ Marcelle - DICE Conference + Festival, Berlin
- og:descriptionSurprise, adventure, entertainment and education: Four key words often used for describing Dutch DJ and producer Marcelle/Another Nice Mess. Using live (and in the studio) three turntables, Marcelle takes her mix talents to high heights. She is as much, or even more of, a musician as she is a dj. She produces her own […]
- og:urlhttps://2019.dice.berlin/artists/dj-marcelle/
Twitter Meta Tags
3- twitter:cardsummary_large_image
- twitter:label1Est. reading time
- twitter:data13 minutes
Link Tags
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13- http://2018.dice.berlin
- http://dice.berlin
- https://2019.dice.berlin/artists
- https://2019.dice.berlin/artists/ale-hop
- https://2019.dice.berlin/artists/crystallmess