Preview meta tags from the 24ways.org website.
Linked Hostnames
11- 25 links to24ways.org
- 1 link toclagnut.com
- 1 link toclearleft.com
- 1 link todeveloper.yahoo.com
- 1 link tofeeds.feedburner.com
- 1 link tofontdeck.com
- 1 link togithub.com
- 1 link tograbaperch.com
Search Engine Appearance
Compose to a Vertical Rhythm
Richard Rutter scrutinises the typographical proportions and spacing that gives a written page its rhythm. Help your page sing like the herald angels, and still have time for a mince pie and brandy.
Compose to a Vertical Rhythm
Richard Rutter scrutinises the typographical proportions and spacing that gives a written page its rhythm. Help your page sing like the herald angels, and still have time for a mince pie and brandy.
Compose to a Vertical Rhythm
Richard Rutter scrutinises the typographical proportions and spacing that gives a written page its rhythm. Help your page sing like the herald angels, and still have time for a mince pie and brandy.
General Meta Tags
9- titleCompose to a Vertical Rhythm ◆ 24 ways
- charsetutf-8
- referrerorigin
- robotsindex, follow
- viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1
Open Graph Meta Tags
5- twitter:urlhttps://24ways.org/2006/compose-to-a-vertical-rhythm/
- twitter:titleCompose to a Vertical Rhythm
- twitter:descriptionRichard Rutter scrutinises the typographical proportions and spacing that gives a written page its rhythm. Help your page sing like the herald angels, and still have time for a mince pie and brandy.
- twitter:imagehttps://cloud.24ways.org/authors/richardrutter280.jpg
- og:typearticle
Twitter Meta Tags
3- twitter:site@24ways
- twitter:creator@clagnut
- twitter:cardsummary_large_image
Link Tags
11- alternatehttps://feeds.feedburner.com/24ways
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- dns-prefetchhttps://fonts.gstatic.com
- dns-prefetchhttps://cloud.24ways.org
35- http://clagnut.com
- http://clearleft.com
- http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/reset
- http://fontdeck.com
- http://grabaperch.com/?ref=24w01