Preview meta tags from the 2fas.com website.
Search Engine Appearance
2FAS - the Internet's favorite open-source authenticator
Meet your favorite 2FA app. We are an open-source, community-driven, private and simple solution for Internet's biggest threat - security breaches.
2FAS - the Internet's favorite open-source authenticator
Meet your favorite 2FA app. We are an open-source, community-driven, private and simple solution for Internet's biggest threat - security breaches.
2FAS - the Internet's favorite open-source authenticator
Meet your favorite 2FA app. We are an open-source, community-driven, private and simple solution for Internet's biggest threat - security breaches.
General Meta Tags
40- title2FAS - the Internet's favorite open-source authenticator
- charsetutf-8
- viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=5, user-scalable=yes
- theme-color#fff
- theme-color#1c1d24
Open Graph Meta Tags
17- og:title2FAS - the Internet's favorite open-source authenticator
- og:descriptionMeet your favorite 2FA app. We are an open-source, community-driven, private and simple solution for Internet's biggest threat - security breaches.
- og:urlhttps://2fas.com/
- og:localeen
- og:imagehttps://2fas.com/images/open-graph/1200x630.png
Twitter Meta Tags
9- twitter:cardsummary_large_image
- twitter:site:id759465105285414912
- twitter:creator@2FAS_com
- twitter:title2FAS - the Internet's favorite open-source authenticator
- twitter:descriptionMeet your favorite 2FA app. We are an open-source, community-driven, private and simple solution for Internet's biggest threat - security breaches.
Link Tags
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