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Here Be Dragons - 365tomorrows
Author: Beck Dacus One half of the sky brimmed with stars, the Sun at one light-week’s distance barely outshining the rest. The other half was utterly dark, as if the universe ended at a sheer cliff. As I approached the blackness, detail started to emerge, my headlamp casting shadows on icy gravel the color of […]
Here Be Dragons - 365tomorrows
Author: Beck Dacus One half of the sky brimmed with stars, the Sun at one light-week’s distance barely outshining the rest. The other half was utterly dark, as if the universe ended at a sheer cliff. As I approached the blackness, detail started to emerge, my headlamp casting shadows on icy gravel the color of […]
Here Be Dragons - 365tomorrows
Author: Beck Dacus One half of the sky brimmed with stars, the Sun at one light-week’s distance barely outshining the rest. The other half was utterly dark, as if the universe ended at a sheer cliff. As I approached the blackness, detail started to emerge, my headlamp casting shadows on icy gravel the color of […]
General Meta Tags
10- titleHere Be Dragons - 365tomorrows
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- article:publisherhttps://www.facebook.com/365tomorrowsSciFi
Open Graph Meta Tags
6- og:localeen_US
- og:typearticle
- og:titleHere Be Dragons - 365tomorrows
- og:descriptionAuthor: Beck Dacus One half of the sky brimmed with stars, the Sun at one light-week’s distance barely outshining the rest. The other half was utterly dark, as if the universe ended at a sheer cliff. As I approached the blackness, detail started to emerge, my headlamp casting shadows on icy gravel the color of […]
- og:urlhttps://365tomorrows.com/2024/11/03/here-be-dragons/
Twitter Meta Tags
7- twitter:cardsummary_large_image
- twitter:creator@365tomorrows
- twitter:site@365tomorrows
- twitter:label1Written by
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