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1980s Maplin Catalogues
Maplin Electronics, an electronics retailer in the UK and Ireland, has a storied history of print publications, operating its own magazine from 1980-2002, alongside various projects, handbooks, and indices. Its chunky annual catalogues may have been the core publication though, offering endless computer or synthesizer parts for geeky 80s kids
1980s Maplin Catalogues
Maplin Electronics, an electronics retailer in the UK and Ireland, has a storied history of print publications, operating its own magazine from 1980-2002, alongside various projects, handbooks, and indices. Its chunky annual catalogues may have been the core publication though, offering endless computer or synthesizer parts for geeky 80s kids
1980s Maplin Catalogues
Maplin Electronics, an electronics retailer in the UK and Ireland, has a storied history of print publications, operating its own magazine from 1980-2002, alongside various projects, handbooks, and indices. Its chunky annual catalogues may have been the core publication though, offering endless computer or synthesizer parts for geeky 80s kids
General Meta Tags
10- title1980s Maplin Catalogues
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Open Graph Meta Tags
8- og:site_name70s Sci-Fi Art
- og:typearticle
- og:title1980s Maplin Catalogues
- og:descriptionMaplin Electronics, an electronics retailer in the UK and Ireland, has a storied history of print publications, operating its own magazine from 1980-2002, alongside various projects, handbooks, and indices. Its chunky annual catalogues may have been the core publication though, offering endless computer or synthesizer parts for geeky 80s kids
- og:urlhttps://70s-sci-fi-art.ghost.io/1980s-maplin-catalogues/
Twitter Meta Tags
8- twitter:cardsummary_large_image
- twitter:title1980s Maplin Catalogues
- twitter:descriptionMaplin Electronics, an electronics retailer in the UK and Ireland, has a storied history of print publications, operating its own magazine from 1980-2002, alongside various projects, handbooks, and indices. Its chunky annual catalogues may have been the core publication though, offering endless computer or synthesizer parts for geeky 80s kids
- twitter:urlhttps://70s-sci-fi-art.ghost.io/1980s-maplin-catalogues/
- twitter:imagehttps://70s-sci-fi-art.ghost.io/content/images/size/w1200/2024/08/Cfb-JvMUYAIti3i.jpeg
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