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Hello world under the hood
Zhivago | zloy: you are an idiot. Zhivago | zloy: Assembly cannot be used to explain how C works. © from #c channel on irc.freenode.net I decided to learn C language by the following approach — disassemble the most interesting listings (from K&R of course :]) and investigate what is going on under…
Hello world under the hood
Zhivago | zloy: you are an idiot. Zhivago | zloy: Assembly cannot be used to explain how C works. © from #c channel on irc.freenode.net I decided to learn C language by the following approach — disassemble the most interesting listings (from K&R of course :]) and investigate what is going on under…
Hello world under the hood
Zhivago | zloy: you are an idiot. Zhivago | zloy: Assembly cannot be used to explain how C works. © from #c channel on irc.freenode.net I decided to learn C language by the following approach — disassemble the most interesting listings (from K&R of course :]) and investigate what is going on under…
General Meta Tags
20- titleHello world under the hood - 7kilobytes — LiveJournal
- Content-Typetext/html;charset=utf-8
- referrerno-referrer-when-downgrade
- descriptionZhivago | zloy: you are an idiot. Zhivago | zloy: Assembly cannot be used to explain how C works. © from #c channel on irc.freenode.net I decided to learn C language by the following approach — disassemble the most interesting listings (from K&R of course :]) and investigate what is going on under…
- keywordsЖЖ, LiveJournal, живой журнал, reverse, asm, c, 7kilobytes
Open Graph Meta Tags
5- og:descriptionZhivago | zloy: you are an idiot. Zhivago | zloy: Assembly cannot be used to explain how C works. © from #c channel on irc.freenode.net I decided to learn C language by the following approach — disassemble the most interesting listings (from K&R of course :]) and investigate what is going on under…
- og:imagehttp://ic.pics.livejournal.com/7kilobytes/53197047/411/411_original.jpg
- og:titleHello world under the hood
- og:typearticle
- og:urlhttps://7kilobytes.livejournal.com/779.html
Link Tags
13- canonicalhttps://7kilobytes.livejournal.com/779.html
- iconhttps://l-stat.livejournal.net/img/userinfo_v8.png?v=799
- iconhttps://l-stat.livejournal.net/img/userinfo_v8.svg?v=17080?v=799
- manifest/post_manifest.json
- metahttps://7kilobytes.livejournal.com/data/foaf
58- https://7kilobytes.livejournal.com
- https://7kilobytes.livejournal.com/1436.html
- https://7kilobytes.livejournal.com/2014
- https://7kilobytes.livejournal.com/2014/03
- https://7kilobytes.livejournal.com/2014/03/19