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A Great Heart
sta-rbird: “hey everyone tell me what holmeses and watsons from completely different adaptations youd like to see interacting. i think mine would be jeremy brett holmes and jeremy brett watson ”
A Great Heart
sta-rbird: “hey everyone tell me what holmeses and watsons from completely different adaptations youd like to see interacting. i think mine would be jeremy brett holmes and jeremy brett watson ”
A Great Heart
sta-rbird: “hey everyone tell me what holmeses and watsons from completely different adaptations youd like to see interacting. i think mine would be jeremy brett holmes and jeremy brett watson ”
General Meta Tags
12- titlehey everyone tell me what holmeses and watsons... | A Great Heart
- charsetutf-8
- descriptionsta-rbird: “hey everyone tell me what holmeses and watsons from completely different adaptations youd like to see interacting. i think mine would be jeremy brett holmes and jeremy brett watson ”
- viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=2
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Open Graph Meta Tags
5- og:site_nameTumblr
- og:titleA Great Heart
- og:descriptionhey everyone tell me what holmeses and watsons from completely different adaptations youd like to see interacting. i think mine would be jeremy brett holmes and jeremy brett watson
- og:urlhttps://a-candle-for-sherlock.tumblr.com/post/766745862833651712
- og:typearticle
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