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A Maidens Fantasy
Here's another hot take from a Zutara shipper: the more I see fanart/fics about Katara keeping her scars the more I come to this solid conclusion --- it's straight up bullshit that she didn't. Sorry.…
A Maidens Fantasy
Here's another hot take from a Zutara shipper: the more I see fanart/fics about Katara keeping her scars the more I come to this solid conclusion --- it's straight up bullshit that she didn't. Sorry.…
A Maidens Fantasy
Here's another hot take from a Zutara shipper: the more I see fanart/fics about Katara keeping her scars the more I come to this solid conclusion --- it's straight up bullshit that she didn't. Sorry.…
General Meta Tags
15- titleHere's another hot take from a Zutara shipper: the more I see fanart/fics about Katara keeping her scars the more I come to this... – @a-maidens-fantasy on Tumblr
- charsetutf-8
- viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1
- parsely-titleHere's another hot take from a Zutara shipper: the more I see fanart/fics about Katara keeping her scars the more I come to this... – @a-maidens-fantasy on Tumblr
- parsely-linkhttps://www.tumblr.com/a-maidens-fantasy/761666057466527744
Open Graph Meta Tags
9- og:titleA Maidens Fantasy
- og:descriptionHere's another hot take from a Zutara shipper: the more I see fanart/fics about Katara keeping her scars the more I come to this solid conclusion --- it's straight up bullshit that she didn't. Sorry.…
- og:site_nameTumblr
- og:typearticle
- og:imagehttps://64.media.tumblr.com/b77cd66770a3683a78c2535c51133cf1/e74a895aa525587a-37/s640x960/a30bfb51535629553f79126f7a0c1d0e03eed0bb.pnj
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