
Preview meta tags from the about.bankofamerica.com website.

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Social media guidelines

We have an active social media presence to help us stay in touch with you and serve you better. We encourage everyone to use common courtesy, be respectful of others and follow our guidelines to foster healthy social communities and to protect your privacy. If you are a customer looking for assistance, you can reach us on Twitter at @BofA_Help or through Facebook Messenger.


Social media guidelines


We have an active social media presence to help us stay in touch with you and serve you better. We encourage everyone to use common courtesy, be respectful of others and follow our guidelines to foster healthy social communities and to protect your privacy. If you are a customer looking for assistance, you can reach us on Twitter at @BofA_Help or through Facebook Messenger.



Social media guidelines

We have an active social media presence to help us stay in touch with you and serve you better. We encourage everyone to use common courtesy, be respectful of others and follow our guidelines to foster healthy social communities and to protect your privacy. If you are a customer looking for assistance, you can reach us on Twitter at @BofA_Help or through Facebook Messenger.

  • General Meta Tags

    • title
      Social media guidelines
    • charset
    • meta
    • keywords
      social community guidelines
    • description
      We have an active social media presence to help us stay in touch with you and serve you better. We encourage everyone to use common courtesy, be respectful of others and follow our guidelines to foster healthy social communities and to protect your privacy. If you are a customer looking for assistance, you can reach us on Twitter at @BofA_Help or through Facebook Messenger.
  • Open Graph Meta Tags

    • og:title
      Social media guidelines
    • og:description
      We have an active social media presence to help us stay in touch with you and serve you better. We encourage everyone to use common courtesy, be respectful of others and follow our guidelines to foster healthy social communities and to protect your privacy. If you are a customer looking for assistance, you can reach us on Twitter at @BofA_Help or through Facebook Messenger.
    • og:site_name
      Bank of America
    • og:url
    • og:image
  • Twitter Meta Tags

    • twitter:site
    • twitter:url
    • twitter:title
      Social media guidelines
    • twitter:description
      We have an active social media presence to help us stay in touch with you and serve you better. We encourage everyone to use common courtesy, be respectful of others and follow our guidelines to foster healthy social communities and to protect your privacy. If you are a customer looking for assistance, you can reach us on Twitter at @BofA_Help or through Facebook Messenger.
    • twitter:creator
  • Link Tags

    • canonical
    • icon
    • preload
    • preload
    • preload
