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The Media Tower of Babel and the industries desire to babble on | Association of Canadian Advertisers
At a recent conference, the position was posed by a YouTube rep that one day, Connected TV will be just thought of as TV. No more SVOD, AVOD, BVOD, Broadcast, Cable, FAST, Specialty, Top 10, YouTube; it will all be One Thing. What is that Thing and is it useful to advertisers? The simple answer is “of course”. But, and it’s a huge BUT, language matters and in that difference lies just how useful it could be. The current Broadcast/Digital Video conglomeration of sellers and buyers is a Tower of Babel debate. For some, its deliberate while others are blissfully unaware that flour and corn starch are being used interchangeably. The difference matters when your objective is cake.
The Media Tower of Babel and the industries desire to babble on | Association of Canadian Advertisers
At a recent conference, the position was posed by a YouTube rep that one day, Connected TV will be just thought of as TV. No more SVOD, AVOD, BVOD, Broadcast, Cable, FAST, Specialty, Top 10, YouTube; it will all be One Thing. What is that Thing and is it useful to advertisers? The simple answer is “of course”. But, and it’s a huge BUT, language matters and in that difference lies just how useful it could be. The current Broadcast/Digital Video conglomeration of sellers and buyers is a Tower of Babel debate. For some, its deliberate while others are blissfully unaware that flour and corn starch are being used interchangeably. The difference matters when your objective is cake.
The Media Tower of Babel and the industries desire to babble on | Association of Canadian Advertisers
At a recent conference, the position was posed by a YouTube rep that one day, Connected TV will be just thought of as TV. No more SVOD, AVOD, BVOD, Broadcast, Cable, FAST, Specialty, Top 10, YouTube; it will all be One Thing. What is that Thing and is it useful to advertisers? The simple answer is “of course”. But, and it’s a huge BUT, language matters and in that difference lies just how useful it could be. The current Broadcast/Digital Video conglomeration of sellers and buyers is a Tower of Babel debate. For some, its deliberate while others are blissfully unaware that flour and corn starch are being used interchangeably. The difference matters when your objective is cake.
General Meta Tags
11- titleThe Media Tower of Babel and the industries desire to babble on | Association of Canadian Advertisers
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Open Graph Meta Tags
7- og:localeen_US
- og:typearticle
- og:titleThe Media Tower of Babel and the industries desire to babble on | Association of Canadian Advertisers
- og:descriptionAt a recent conference, the position was posed by a YouTube rep that one day, Connected TV will be just thought of as TV. No more SVOD, AVOD, BVOD, Broadcast, Cable, FAST, Specialty, Top 10, YouTube; it will all be One Thing. What is that Thing and is it useful to advertisers? The simple answer is “of course”. But, and it’s a huge BUT, language matters and in that difference lies just how useful it could be. The current Broadcast/Digital Video conglomeration of sellers and buyers is a Tower of Babel debate. For some, its deliberate while others are blissfully unaware that flour and corn starch are being used interchangeably. The difference matters when your objective is cake.
- og:url
Twitter Meta Tags
7- twitter:cardsummary_large_image
- twitter:creator@ACA_tweets
- twitter:site@ACA_tweets
- twitter:label1Written by
- twitter:data1Chris Williams
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