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Smart Living Lab's Student Incubator Programme: Win up to CHF 5000.-!

Gain valuable experience in the field of innovation, increase your creativity and create real impact in achieving your goals by working on your own project. The Student Incubator of the Smart Living Lab offers various types of support in order to help you study and work on your project at the same time. You can win up to CHF 5000.- (of which CHF 1000.- as a discretionary grant). Through this financial support, the programme aims to alleviate entrepreneurial fears and to recognize your efforts in developing the project. Additionally, a coach, acting as the first point of contact for all expert questions, will be accompanying your projects in order to ensure that you have adequate advice whenever you need it.


Smart Living Lab's Student Incubator Programme: Win up to CHF 5000.-!

Gain valuable experience in the field of innovation, increase your creativity and create real impact in achieving your goals by working on your own project. The Student Incubator of the Smart Living Lab offers various types of support in order to help you study and work on your project at the same time. You can win up to CHF 5000.- (of which CHF 1000.- as a discretionary grant). Through this financial support, the programme aims to alleviate entrepreneurial fears and to recognize your efforts in developing the project. Additionally, a coach, acting as the first point of contact for all expert questions, will be accompanying your projects in order to ensure that you have adequate advice whenever you need it.


Smart Living Lab's Student Incubator Programme: Win up to CHF 5000.-!

Gain valuable experience in the field of innovation, increase your creativity and create real impact in achieving your goals by working on your own project. The Student Incubator of the Smart Living Lab offers various types of support in order to help you study and work on your project at the same time. You can win up to CHF 5000.- (of which CHF 1000.- as a discretionary grant). Through this financial support, the programme aims to alleviate entrepreneurial fears and to recognize your efforts in developing the project. Additionally, a coach, acting as the first point of contact for all expert questions, will be accompanying your projects in order to ensure that you have adequate advice whenever you need it.

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      Smart Living Lab's Student Incubator Programme: Win up to CHF 5000.-! - EPFL
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      @2024 EPFL
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    • og:title
      Smart Living Lab's Student Incubator Programme: Win up to CHF 5000.-!
    • og:description
      Gain valuable experience in the field of innovation, increase your creativity and create real impact in achieving your goals by working on your own project. The Student Incubator of the Smart Living Lab offers various types of support in order to help you study and work on your project at the same time. You can win up to CHF 5000.- (of which CHF 1000.- as a discretionary grant). Through this financial support, the programme aims to alleviate entrepreneurial fears and to recognize your efforts in developing the project. Additionally, a coach, acting as the first point of contact for all expert questions, will be accompanying your projects in order to ensure that you have adequate advice whenever you need it.
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      Smart Living Lab's Student Incubator Programme: Win up to CHF 5000.-!
    • twitter:description
      Gain valuable experience in the field of innovation, increase your creativity and create real impact in achieving your goals by working on your own project. The Student Incubator of the Smart Living Lab offers various types of support in order to help you study and work on your project at the same time. You can win up to CHF 5000.- (of which CHF 1000.- as a discretionary grant). Through this financial support, the programme aims to alleviate entrepreneurial fears and to recognize your efforts in developing the project. Additionally, a coach, acting as the first point of contact for all expert questions, will be accompanying your projects in order to ensure that you have adequate advice whenever you need it.
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