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In 2024, the UK faces serious economic challenges.

The next government is likely to face some of the most difficult economic and fiscal choices the UK has faced outside of pandemics, conflicts and financial crises. Where clarity and honesty are missing from the debate, IFS plugs that crucial gap with rigorous, trusted analysis.Please consider supporting us with a donation and help us speak truth to power.


In 2024, the UK faces serious economic challenges.

The next government is likely to face some of the most difficult economic and fiscal choices the UK has faced outside of pandemics, conflicts and financial crises. Where clarity and honesty are missing from the debate, IFS plugs that crucial gap with rigorous, trusted analysis.Please consider supporting us with a donation and help us speak truth to power.


In 2024, the UK faces serious economic challenges.

The next government is likely to face some of the most difficult economic and fiscal choices the UK has faced outside of pandemics, conflicts and financial crises. Where clarity and honesty are missing from the debate, IFS plugs that crucial gap with rigorous, trusted analysis.Please consider supporting us with a donation and help us speak truth to power.

  • General Meta Tags

    • title
      In 2024, the UK faces serious economic challenges.
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    • viewport
      width=device-width, initial-scale=1
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    • description
      The next government is likely to face some of the most difficult economic and fiscal choices the UK has faced outside of pandemics, conflicts and financial crises. Where clarity and honesty are missing from the debate, IFS plugs that crucial gap with rigorous, trusted analysis.Please consider supporting us with a donation and help us speak truth to power.
  • Open Graph Meta Tags

    • og:title
      In 2024, the UK faces serious economic challenges.
    • og:description
      The next government is likely to face some of the most difficult economic and fiscal choices the UK has faced outside of pandemics, conflicts and financial crises. Where clarity and honesty are missing from the debate, IFS plugs that crucial gap with rigorous, trusted analysis.Please consider supporting us with a donation and help us speak truth to power.
    • og:type
    • og:url
    • og:image
  • Link Tags

    • apple-touch-icon
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    • manifest