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Emmrich brain rot in full effect
Heard a convo between Emmrich and Harding about teaching Dorian in the Necropolis đŸ˜© Said he had ‘tremendous potential, but appallingly flippant towards the dead!’
Emmrich brain rot in full effect
Heard a convo between Emmrich and Harding about teaching Dorian in the Necropolis đŸ˜© Said he had ‘tremendous potential, but appallingly flippant towards the dead!’
Emmrich brain rot in full effect
Heard a convo between Emmrich and Harding about teaching Dorian in the Necropolis đŸ˜© Said he had ‘tremendous potential, but appallingly flippant towards the dead!’
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88- titleEmmrich brain rot in full effect
- color:background#fcfcfc
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- color:music tab bg#121212
- color:music tab text#eee
Open Graph Meta Tags
10- og:site_nameTumblr
- og:titleEmmrich brain rot in full effect
- og:descriptionHeard a convo between Emmrich and Harding about teaching Dorian in the Necropolis đŸ˜© Said he had ‘tremendous potential, but appallingly flippant towards the dead!’
- og:urlhttps://ahjiing.tumblr.com/post/766434524836102144/heard-a-convo-between-emmrich-and-harding-about
- og:typearticle
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