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Saffron and Shabbat: Stories of Iranian Jewish Cooking in Diaspora - Ajam Media Collective
Iranian food is largely absent from Jewish cookbooks. Yet Persian cookbooks also tend to ignore the contributions of Iranian Jews. As I began interviewing Iranian Jewish women about their cooking, my own understanding of both Iranian and Jewish food expanded.View Post
Saffron and Shabbat: Stories of Iranian Jewish Cooking in Diaspora - Ajam Media Collective
Iranian food is largely absent from Jewish cookbooks. Yet Persian cookbooks also tend to ignore the contributions of Iranian Jews. As I began interviewing Iranian Jewish women about their cooking, my own understanding of both Iranian and Jewish food expanded.View Post
Saffron and Shabbat: Stories of Iranian Jewish Cooking in Diaspora - Ajam Media Collective
Iranian food is largely absent from Jewish cookbooks. Yet Persian cookbooks also tend to ignore the contributions of Iranian Jews. As I began interviewing Iranian Jewish women about their cooking, my own understanding of both Iranian and Jewish food expanded.View Post
General Meta Tags
10- titleSaffron and Shabbat: Stories of Iranian Jewish Cooking in Diaspora - Ajam Media Collective
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- article:publisherhttps://facebook.com/AjamMediaCollective/
Open Graph Meta Tags
10- og:localeen_US
- og:typearticle
- og:titleSaffron and Shabbat: Stories of Iranian Jewish Cooking in Diaspora - Ajam Media Collective
- og:descriptionIranian food is largely absent from Jewish cookbooks. Yet Persian cookbooks also tend to ignore the contributions of Iranian Jews. As I began interviewing Iranian Jewish women about their cooking, my own understanding of both Iranian and Jewish food expanded.View Post
- og:urlhttps://ajammc.com/2023/12/10/iranian-jewish-cookbook-diaspora/
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