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Thingymabobaloo 2: Artistic Boogaloo: Archive
<p>This is gonna be where I post my art shtuff from now on. (Boundary establishment time: I’d prefer you not give unsolicited criticism - unless it’s something you want to give me tips on better depicting; i.e. mobility aids, or I’ve accidentally incorporated something offensive/problematic into my art that you’d like to bring to my attention)</p>
Thingymabobaloo 2: Artistic Boogaloo: Archive
<p>This is gonna be where I post my art shtuff from now on. (Boundary establishment time: I’d prefer you not give unsolicited criticism - unless it’s something you want to give me tips on better depicting; i.e. mobility aids, or I’ve accidentally incorporated something offensive/problematic into my art that you’d like to bring to my attention)</p>
Thingymabobaloo 2: Artistic Boogaloo: Archive
<p>This is gonna be where I post my art shtuff from now on. (Boundary establishment time: I’d prefer you not give unsolicited criticism - unless it’s something you want to give me tips on better depicting; i.e. mobility aids, or I’ve accidentally incorporated something offensive/problematic into my art that you’d like to bring to my attention)</p>
General Meta Tags
12- titleThingymabobaloo 2: Artistic Boogaloo: Archive
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- parsely-titleThingymabobaloo 2: Artistic Boogaloo: Archive
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Open Graph Meta Tags
4- og:titleThingymabobaloo 2: Artistic Boogaloo: Archive
- og:description<p>This is gonna be where I post my art shtuff from now on. (Boundary establishment time: I’d prefer you not give unsolicited criticism - unless it’s something you want to give me tips on better depicting; i.e. mobility aids, or I’ve accidentally incorporated something offensive/problematic into my art that you’d like to bring to my attention)</p>
- og:site_nameTumblr
- og:typewebsite
Twitter Meta Tags
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