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Calculating Obsolescence, by Anti-Sapien

Calculating Obsolescence by Anti-Sapien, released 07 July 2023 1. Ok Boomer 2. Billion Dollar Camping Trip 3. Monocide 4. Zohnerism 5. Hijos De Mierda 6. Red, White and You 7. Maggot Loaf 8. Malsumis 9. Repugnant Dysmedia 10. #Mylist Anti-Sapien's hernaiting debut LP, "Calculating Obsolescence" is a lesson in sonic putrification. Hailing from Brooklyn, NYC, Anti-Sapien vomit forth ten disgusting tracks of crushingly crusty death metal. "Calculating Obsolescence" is a foul display of musical decomposition; barely resemblant of any instrumental skills whatsoever. The riffs are as ugly as the motherfuckers playing them. If that sounds right up your dark fucked up alley, then I know this album will appeal to fans of Magrudergrind, Fulci, and pioneers such as Napalm Death, and OG NYC death, Suffocation.


Calculating Obsolescence, by Anti-Sapien

Calculating Obsolescence by Anti-Sapien, released 07 July 2023 1. Ok Boomer 2. Billion Dollar Camping Trip 3. Monocide 4. Zohnerism 5. Hijos De Mierda 6. Red, White and You 7. Maggot Loaf 8. Malsumis 9. Repugnant Dysmedia 10. #Mylist Anti-Sapien's hernaiting debut LP, "Calculating Obsolescence" is a lesson in sonic putrification. Hailing from Brooklyn, NYC, Anti-Sapien vomit forth ten disgusting tracks of crushingly crusty death metal. "Calculating Obsolescence" is a foul display of musical decomposition; barely resemblant of any instrumental skills whatsoever. The riffs are as ugly as the motherfuckers playing them. If that sounds right up your dark fucked up alley, then I know this album will appeal to fans of Magrudergrind, Fulci, and pioneers such as Napalm Death, and OG NYC death, Suffocation.


Calculating Obsolescence, by Anti-Sapien

Calculating Obsolescence by Anti-Sapien, released 07 July 2023 1. Ok Boomer 2. Billion Dollar Camping Trip 3. Monocide 4. Zohnerism 5. Hijos De Mierda 6. Red, White and You 7. Maggot Loaf 8. Malsumis 9. Repugnant Dysmedia 10. #Mylist Anti-Sapien's hernaiting debut LP, "Calculating Obsolescence" is a lesson in sonic putrification. Hailing from Brooklyn, NYC, Anti-Sapien vomit forth ten disgusting tracks of crushingly crusty death metal. "Calculating Obsolescence" is a foul display of musical decomposition; barely resemblant of any instrumental skills whatsoever. The riffs are as ugly as the motherfuckers playing them. If that sounds right up your dark fucked up alley, then I know this album will appeal to fans of Magrudergrind, Fulci, and pioneers such as Napalm Death, and OG NYC death, Suffocation.

  • General Meta Tags

    • title
      Calculating Obsolescence | Anti-Sapien
    • description
      Calculating Obsolescence by Anti-Sapien, released 07 July 2023 1. Ok Boomer 2. Billion Dollar Camping Trip 3. Monocide 4. Zohnerism 5. Hijos De Mierda 6. Red, White and You 7. Maggot Loaf 8. Malsumis 9. Repugnant Dysmedia 10. #Mylist Anti-Sapien's hernaiting debut LP, "Calculating Obsolescence" is a lesson in sonic putrification. Hailing from Brooklyn, NYC, Anti-Sapien vomit forth ten disgusting tracks of crushingly crusty death metal. "Calculating Obsolescence" is a foul display of musical decomposition; barely resemblant of any instrumental skills whatsoever. The riffs are as ugly as the motherfuckers playing them. If that sounds right up your dark fucked up alley, then I know this album will appeal to fans of Magrudergrind, Fulci, and pioneers such as Napalm Death, and OG NYC death, Suffocation.
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  • Open Graph Meta Tags

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      Calculating Obsolescence, by Anti-Sapien
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    • og:description
      10 track album
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