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General Meta Tags
102- titleThe Lemon Void • I want to make something really clear that I think...
- charsetutf-8
- metaIE=edge,chrome=1
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- descriptionI want to make something really clear that I think Anti-Choice people have failed to understand that Pro Choicers definitely saw coming. An exception for Rape, Life of the Mother, and Incest mean...
Open Graph Meta Tags
4- og:site_nameThe Lemon Void
- og:urlhttps://apersnicketylemon.tumblr.com/post/767065096497381376/i-want-to-make-something-really-clear-that-i-think
- og:typearticle
- og:descriptionI want to make something really clear that I think Anti-Choice people have failed to understand that Pro Choicers definitely saw coming. An exception for Rape, Life of the Mother, and Incest mean nothing when you have to prove it in a court of law, or get a team of lawyers and judges to sign off on it which can take weeks or even months. Weeks a person dying hasn’t got. Women are now dying. Actually dying. Because hospitals legally could not save their lives until they could wake up a judge and get their lawyers, and another sides lawyers awake and up and figured out if it was actually necessary or not. All people with no understanding of medicine, and no attatchment to the person suffering who simply doesn’t want to die. There’s a lot more I could cover, like the increase in illegal abortion, abortion tourism, the massive increase in infant abandonment… but I’m going to leave it here. People are dying. People who should be alive. Who would be alive if abortion was legal and the hospital could have simply treated their patient without waiting for a dozen men with no medical experience in another building to decide if their patient actually needs treatment or not. And yes they do have to wait. Because if they don’t they get charged with murder for trying to save a life. Your policies are killing people. Not theoretical people. Not fetuses with no conscious thought or pain. Adults with lives. Teenagers with a whole life ahead of them. Mothers with children who need them. Real people with conscious thought, with fear, with pain. People who meet every definition of personhood.
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- https://a-cold-katt.tumblr.com/post/767195383428513792
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