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Mindy Seu, Designer and Technologist
Mindy Seu is the author of the Cyberfeminism Index, a designer, a technologist and an educator, working across publishing, lecture performances and more. APOSSIBLE™ is a non-profit bringing psychologists, technologists, artists and creatives together to explore how technology can better support creativity and human fulfillment. In this ongoing interview series
Mindy Seu, Designer and Technologist
Mindy Seu is the author of the Cyberfeminism Index, a designer, a technologist and an educator, working across publishing, lecture performances and more. APOSSIBLE™ is a non-profit bringing psychologists, technologists, artists and creatives together to explore how technology can better support creativity and human fulfillment. In this ongoing interview series
Mindy Seu, Designer and Technologist
Mindy Seu is the author of the Cyberfeminism Index, a designer, a technologist and an educator, working across publishing, lecture performances and more. APOSSIBLE™ is a non-profit bringing psychologists, technologists, artists and creatives together to explore how technology can better support creativity and human fulfillment. In this ongoing interview series
General Meta Tags
9- titleMindy Seu, Designer and Technologist
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- article:published_time2024-11-04T08:40:00.000Z
Open Graph Meta Tags
8- og:site_nameAPOSSIBLE Interviews
- og:typearticle
- og:titleMindy Seu, Designer and Technologist
- og:descriptionMindy Seu is the author of the Cyberfeminism Index, a designer, a technologist and an educator, working across publishing, lecture performances and more. APOSSIBLE™ is a non-profit bringing psychologists, technologists, artists and creatives together to explore how technology can better support creativity and human fulfillment. In this ongoing interview series
- og:urlhttps://apossible-interviews.ghost.io/intrvw-002-mindy-seu/
Twitter Meta Tags
10- twitter:cardsummary_large_image
- twitter:titleMindy Seu, Designer and Technologist
- twitter:descriptionMindy Seu is the author of the Cyberfeminism Index, a designer, a technologist and an educator, working across publishing, lecture performances and more. APOSSIBLE™ is a non-profit bringing psychologists, technologists, artists and creatives together to explore how technology can better support creativity and human fulfillment. In this ongoing interview series
- twitter:urlhttps://apossible-interviews.ghost.io/intrvw-002-mindy-seu/
- twitter:imagehttps://apossible-interviews.ghost.io/content/images/size/w1200/2024/11/mindyseu.png
Link Tags
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