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LOCARD: “Lawful evidence cOllecting and Continuity plAtfoRm Development”

LOCARD’s promise as an operating platform for law enforcement and industry is to increase the trust in the handling and processing of digital evidence, the management of chain of custody by providing transparency, using immutable storage to store the chain of custody and employing end-to-end security. The functionality envisioned for LOCARD has been long awaited by industry and law enforcement agencies, parties who are, by the nature of cybercrime and the relationship of industrial actors to maintenance of networks, data resources and victimized customers, obligatory partners in the development of cases. For years, these usually non-correspondent sectors struggled with observing chain-of-custody requirements in rough-hewn collaborations managed outside of a formal, disciplining framework like LOCARD.


LOCARD: “Lawful evidence cOllecting and Continuity plAtfoRm Development”


LOCARD’s promise as an operating platform for law enforcement and industry is to increase the trust in the handling and processing of digital evidence, the management of chain of custody by providing transparency, using immutable storage to store the chain of custody and employing end-to-end security. The functionality envisioned for LOCARD has been long awaited by industry and law enforcement agencies, parties who are, by the nature of cybercrime and the relationship of industrial actors to maintenance of networks, data resources and victimized customers, obligatory partners in the development of cases. For years, these usually non-correspondent sectors struggled with observing chain-of-custody requirements in rough-hewn collaborations managed outside of a formal, disciplining framework like LOCARD.



LOCARD: “Lawful evidence cOllecting and Continuity plAtfoRm Development”

LOCARD’s promise as an operating platform for law enforcement and industry is to increase the trust in the handling and processing of digital evidence, the management of chain of custody by providing transparency, using immutable storage to store the chain of custody and employing end-to-end security. The functionality envisioned for LOCARD has been long awaited by industry and law enforcement agencies, parties who are, by the nature of cybercrime and the relationship of industrial actors to maintenance of networks, data resources and victimized customers, obligatory partners in the development of cases. For years, these usually non-correspondent sectors struggled with observing chain-of-custody requirements in rough-hewn collaborations managed outside of a formal, disciplining framework like LOCARD.

  • General Meta Tags

    • title
      APWG.EU | LOCARD: “Lawful evidence cOllecting and Continuity plAtfoRm Development”
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    • description
      LOCARD’s promise as an operating platform for law enforcement and industry is to increase the trust in the handling and processing of digital evidence, the management of chain of custody by providing transparency, using immutable storage to store the chain of custody and employing end-to-end security. The functionality envisioned for LOCARD has been long awaited by industry and law enforcement agencies, parties who are, by the nature of cybercrime and the relationship of industrial actors to maintenance of networks, data resources and victimized customers, obligatory partners in the development of cases. For years, these usually non-correspondent sectors struggled with observing chain-of-custody requirements in rough-hewn collaborations managed outside of a formal, disciplining framework like LOCARD.
    • keywords
      cybersecurity, EUproject, forensics, blockchain, research, H2020
  • Open Graph Meta Tags

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    • og:title
      LOCARD: “Lawful evidence cOllecting and Continuity plAtfoRm Development”
    • og:url
    • og:description
      The exponential increase in the volume of generated data together with the systems decentralisation open a wide window of opportunity in the field of cybercrime. This is one of the most important c…
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      LOCARD: “Lawful evidence cOllecting and Continuity plAtfoRm Development”
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