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Known/Learned [Double Album], by Arcane

Known/Learned [Double Album] by Arcane, released 20 January 2015 1. Promise [Part 2] 2. Unturning 3. Instinct 4. Womb (In Memoriam) 5. Selfsame 6. Holding Atropos 7. Keeping Stone: Sound on Fire 8. Learned 9. Hunter, Heart & Home 10. Little Burden 11. Impatience and Slow Poison 12. Known 13. Nightingale's Weave 14. Eyes for the Change 15. Keeping Stone: Water Awake 16. Promise [Part 1] Known/Learned is a collection of themes and moments, captured between recurring characters. While never explicitly told in the traditional vein of the 'concept album', the imagery of Known/Learned depicts fragmented moments in the lives of a father and his daughter, their loss, their love, their journey. A bittersweet love song for life. K N O W N 01 - Promise [Part 2] 02 - Unturning 03 - Instinct 04 - Womb (In Memoriam) 05 - Selfsame 06 - Holding Atropos 07 - Keeping Stone: Sound on Fire 08 - Learned L E A R N E D 09 - Hunter Heart, & Home 10 - Little Burden 11 - Impatience and Slow Poison 12 - Known 13 - Nightingale's Weave 14 - Eyes For The Change 15 - Keeping Stone: Water Awake 16 - Promise [Part 1]


Known/Learned [Double Album], by Arcane

Known/Learned [Double Album] by Arcane, released 20 January 2015 1. Promise [Part 2] 2. Unturning 3. Instinct 4. Womb (In Memoriam) 5. Selfsame 6. Holding Atropos 7. Keeping Stone: Sound on Fire 8. Learned 9. Hunter, Heart & Home 10. Little Burden 11. Impatience and Slow Poison 12. Known 13. Nightingale's Weave 14. Eyes for the Change 15. Keeping Stone: Water Awake 16. Promise [Part 1] Known/Learned is a collection of themes and moments, captured between recurring characters. While never explicitly told in the traditional vein of the 'concept album', the imagery of Known/Learned depicts fragmented moments in the lives of a father and his daughter, their loss, their love, their journey. A bittersweet love song for life. K N O W N 01 - Promise [Part 2] 02 - Unturning 03 - Instinct 04 - Womb (In Memoriam) 05 - Selfsame 06 - Holding Atropos 07 - Keeping Stone: Sound on Fire 08 - Learned L E A R N E D 09 - Hunter Heart, & Home 10 - Little Burden 11 - Impatience and Slow Poison 12 - Known 13 - Nightingale's Weave 14 - Eyes For The Change 15 - Keeping Stone: Water Awake 16 - Promise [Part 1]


Known/Learned [Double Album], by Arcane

Known/Learned [Double Album] by Arcane, released 20 January 2015 1. Promise [Part 2] 2. Unturning 3. Instinct 4. Womb (In Memoriam) 5. Selfsame 6. Holding Atropos 7. Keeping Stone: Sound on Fire 8. Learned 9. Hunter, Heart & Home 10. Little Burden 11. Impatience and Slow Poison 12. Known 13. Nightingale's Weave 14. Eyes for the Change 15. Keeping Stone: Water Awake 16. Promise [Part 1] Known/Learned is a collection of themes and moments, captured between recurring characters. While never explicitly told in the traditional vein of the 'concept album', the imagery of Known/Learned depicts fragmented moments in the lives of a father and his daughter, their loss, their love, their journey. A bittersweet love song for life. K N O W N 01 - Promise [Part 2] 02 - Unturning 03 - Instinct 04 - Womb (In Memoriam) 05 - Selfsame 06 - Holding Atropos 07 - Keeping Stone: Sound on Fire 08 - Learned L E A R N E D 09 - Hunter Heart, & Home 10 - Little Burden 11 - Impatience and Slow Poison 12 - Known 13 - Nightingale's Weave 14 - Eyes For The Change 15 - Keeping Stone: Water Awake 16 - Promise [Part 1]

  • General Meta Tags

    • title
      Known/Learned [Double Album] | Arcane
    • description
      Known/Learned [Double Album] by Arcane, released 20 January 2015 1. Promise [Part 2] 2. Unturning 3. Instinct 4. Womb (In Memoriam) 5. Selfsame 6. Holding Atropos 7. Keeping Stone: Sound on Fire 8. Learned 9. Hunter, Heart & Home 10. Little Burden 11. Impatience and Slow Poison 12. Known 13. Nightingale's Weave 14. Eyes for the Change 15. Keeping Stone: Water Awake 16. Promise [Part 1] Known/Learned is a collection of themes and moments, captured between recurring characters. While never explicitly told in the traditional vein of the 'concept album', the imagery of Known/Learned depicts fragmented moments in the lives of a father and his daughter, their loss, their love, their journey. A bittersweet love song for life. K N O W N 01 - Promise [Part 2] 02 - Unturning 03 - Instinct 04 - Womb (In Memoriam) 05 - Selfsame 06 - Holding Atropos 07 - Keeping Stone: Sound on Fire 08 - Learned L E A R N E D 09 - Hunter Heart, & Home 10 - Little Burden 11 - Impatience and Slow Poison 12 - Known 13 - Nightingale's Weave 14 - Eyes For The Change 15 - Keeping Stone: Water Awake 16 - Promise [Part 1]
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  • Open Graph Meta Tags

    • og:title
      Known/Learned [Double Album], by Arcane
    • og:type
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    • og:description
      16 track album
    • og:image
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