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A pantomime with real bombs » 13 Apr 2002 » The Spectator Archive

Alan Wall HATCHETT AND LYCETT by Nigel Williams Viking, £10.99, pp.424, ISBN 0670912557 0 ne of the problems all historical fiction confronts is usage. At its most parodic the genre has people thee-ing it and thouing it about the place, wearing lacy sleeves that always hang down well below the fingers. The history recounted in Hatchett and Lycett is dated much nearer home, but there are still som


A pantomime with real bombs » 13 Apr 2002 » The Spectator Archive

Alan Wall HATCHETT AND LYCETT by Nigel Williams Viking, £10.99, pp.424, ISBN 0670912557 0 ne of the problems all historical fiction confronts is usage. At its most parodic the genre has people thee-ing it and thouing it about the place, wearing lacy sleeves that always hang down well below the fingers. The history recounted in Hatchett and Lycett is dated much nearer home, but there are still som


A pantomime with real bombs » 13 Apr 2002 » The Spectator Archive

Alan Wall HATCHETT AND LYCETT by Nigel Williams Viking, £10.99, pp.424, ISBN 0670912557 0 ne of the problems all historical fiction confronts is usage. At its most parodic the genre has people thee-ing it and thouing it about the place, wearing lacy sleeves that always hang down well below the fingers. The history recounted in Hatchett and Lycett is dated much nearer home, but there are still som

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      A pantomime with real bombs » 13 Apr 2002 » The Spectator Archive
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      A pantomime with real bombs » 13 Apr 2002 » The Spectator Archive
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      The Spectator Archive
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      Alan Wall HATCHETT AND LYCETT by Nigel Williams Viking, £10.99, pp.424, ISBN 0670912557 0 ne of the problems all historical fiction confronts is usage. At its most parodic the genre has people thee-ing it and thouing it about the place, wearing lacy sleeves that always hang down well below the fingers. The history recounted in Hatchett and Lycett is dated much nearer home, but there are still som
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