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Milton describes Death in a lazar-house as shaking his dart » 3 Apr 1852 » The Spectator Archive

overhead the patients but delaying to strike : even so Lord Derby deals with his general election. The preliminary canvass, ho*- ever, is plied with increasing energy. Its most remarkable fea- ture is the migration of a certain class of Irish Members to Eng- lish constituencies. Mr. Anstey is an Englishman, and Sir Wil- liam Somerville and Mr. Torrens M'Cullagh have more in common with English tha


Milton describes Death in a lazar-house as shaking his dart » 3 Apr 1852 » The Spectator Archive

overhead the patients but delaying to strike : even so Lord Derby deals with his general election. The preliminary canvass, ho*- ever, is plied with increasing energy. Its most remarkable fea- ture is the migration of a certain class of Irish Members to Eng- lish constituencies. Mr. Anstey is an Englishman, and Sir Wil- liam Somerville and Mr. Torrens M'Cullagh have more in common with English tha


Milton describes Death in a lazar-house as shaking his dart » 3 Apr 1852 » The Spectator Archive

overhead the patients but delaying to strike : even so Lord Derby deals with his general election. The preliminary canvass, ho*- ever, is plied with increasing energy. Its most remarkable fea- ture is the migration of a certain class of Irish Members to Eng- lish constituencies. Mr. Anstey is an Englishman, and Sir Wil- liam Somerville and Mr. Torrens M'Cullagh have more in common with English tha

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      Milton describes Death in a lazar-house as shaking his dart » 3 Apr 1852 » The Spectator Archive
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      Milton describes Death in a lazar-house as shaking his dart » 3 Apr 1852 » The Spectator Archive
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      The Spectator Archive
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      overhead the patients but delaying to strike : even so Lord Derby deals with his general election. The preliminary canvass, ho*- ever, is plied with increasing energy. Its most remarkable fea- ture is the migration of a certain class of Irish Members to Eng- lish constituencies. Mr. Anstey is an Englishman, and Sir Wil- liam Somerville and Mr. Torrens M'Cullagh have more in common with English tha
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