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General Meta Tags
11- titleit comes up particularly often in the discussion... - argumate
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- descriptionit comes up particularly often in the discussion of US foreign policy in the Middle East that the actions taken don’t seem to correspond to any particularly helpful strategic goals for the US as a...
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Open Graph Meta Tags
5- og:site_nameargumate
- og:url
- og:typearticle
- og:descriptionit comes up particularly often in the discussion of US foreign policy in the Middle East that the actions taken don’t seem to correspond to any particularly helpful strategic goals for the US as a country, but I think that’s common to every nation involved, really: consider what the Israeli attack on Lebanon is likely to achieve for Israel, or what the inevitable Lebanese reprisals will achieve besides adding yet more death and destruction to the enormous toll; every institution feels compelled to do something, react, respond, to justify their existence and prove their legitimacy and even just to escape the cognitive dissonance of maintaining impossible objectives, but none of it achieves anything useful, everyone just marks time waiting for the world to change and finally offer an excuse to end the bloodshed.
- og:image
Twitter Meta Tags
5- twitter:url
- twitter:site@username
- twitter:cardsummary
- twitter:descriptionit comes up particularly often in the discussion of US foreign policy in the Middle East that the actions taken don’t seem to correspond to any particularly helpful strategic goals for the US as a country, but I think that’s common to every nation involved, really: consider what the Israeli attack on Lebanon is likely to achieve for Israel, or what the inevitable Lebanese reprisals will achieve besides adding yet more death and destruction to the enormous toll; every institution feels compelled to do something, react, respond, to justify their existence and prove their legitimacy and even just to escape the cognitive dissonance of maintaining impossible objectives, but none of it achieves anything useful, everyone just marks time waiting for the world to change and finally offer an excuse to end the bloodshed.
- twitter:image
Link Tags
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