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Scalability and Resilience of Software-Defined Networking: An Overview

Software-Defined Networking (SDN) allows to control the available network resources by an intelligent and centralized authority in order to optimize traffic flows in a flexible manner. However, centralized control may face scalability issues when the network size or the number of traffic flows increases. Also, a centralized controller may form a single point of failure, thereby affecting the network resilience. This article provides an overview of SDN that focuses on (1) scalability concerning the increased control overhead faced by a central controller, and (2) resiliency in terms of protection against controller failure, network topology failure and security in terms of malicious attacks.


Scalability and Resilience of Software-Defined Networking: An Overview

Software-Defined Networking (SDN) allows to control the available network resources by an intelligent and centralized authority in order to optimize traffic flows in a flexible manner. However, centralized control may face scalability issues when the network size or the number of traffic flows increases. Also, a centralized controller may form a single point of failure, thereby affecting the network resilience. This article provides an overview of SDN that focuses on (1) scalability concerning the increased control overhead faced by a central controller, and (2) resiliency in terms of protection against controller failure, network topology failure and security in terms of malicious attacks.


Scalability and Resilience of Software-Defined Networking: An Overview

Software-Defined Networking (SDN) allows to control the available network resources by an intelligent and centralized authority in order to optimize traffic flows in a flexible manner. However, centralized control may face scalability issues when the network size or the number of traffic flows increases. Also, a centralized controller may form a single point of failure, thereby affecting the network resilience. This article provides an overview of SDN that focuses on (1) scalability concerning the increased control overhead faced by a central controller, and (2) resiliency in terms of protection against controller failure, network topology failure and security in terms of malicious attacks.

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      Scalability and Resilience of Software-Defined Networking: An Overview
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      Software-Defined Networking (SDN) allows to control the available network resources by an intelligent and centralized authority in order to optimize traffic flows in a flexible manner. However,...
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