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oh, yes, please do expand on the sex thing. i'd be very interested.
Anonymous said: oh, yes, please do expand on the sex thing. i'd be very interested. Answer: So, as I stated in a previous ask, I am of the opinion that sex can definitely be a form of stimming, in so...
oh, yes, please do expand on the sex thing. i'd be very interested.
Anonymous said: oh, yes, please do expand on the sex thing. i'd be very interested. Answer: So, as I stated in a previous ask, I am of the opinion that sex can definitely be a form of stimming, in so...
oh, yes, please do expand on the sex thing. i'd be very interested.
Anonymous said: oh, yes, please do expand on the sex thing. i'd be very interested. Answer: So, as I stated in a previous ask, I am of the opinion that sex can definitely be a form of stimming, in so...
General Meta Tags
13- titleoh, yes, please do expand on the sex thing. i'd be... - Inbox Open!
- charsetutf-8
- descriptionAnonymous said: oh, yes, please do expand on the sex thing. i'd be very interested. Answer: So, as I stated in a previous ask, I am of the opinion that sex can definitely be a form of stimming, in so...
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Open Graph Meta Tags
6- og:site_nameInbox Open!
- og:url
- og:typearticle
- og:titleoh, yes, please do expand on the sex thing. i'd be very interested.
- og:descriptionSo, as I stated in a previous ask, I am of the opinion that sex can definitely be a form of stimming, in so many ways. There are ways to stim together and ways to stim on your partner(s). Kissing is a huge stim for me. It provides such nice sensory input and is typically repetitive and calming for me. My husband and I will kiss for long periods of time as a way to stim. Masturbation can also be a stim. The ways we touch ourselves when masturbating are often rhythmic and repetitive, much like other forms of stimming. The sensory input of masturbation can be intense and very satisfying. I know that I’ve masturbated when in a bad place before as a way to regulate my emotions or senses. As for sex itself, the whole experience is generally very stimmy. Sex tends to be very rhythmic and repetitive while providing a lot of sensory input which all leads to good stimming. As someone who is generally on the receiving end of penetration, feeling my partner’s body rhythmically thump against mine is very calming. It also tends to be a very intense sensory experience. I can feel every movement inside of me as well as all the ways I’m being touched or touching my partner. I often trace patterns on my partner while engaging in sex. I’ll trace his muscles or bones. I’ll glide fingers over skin in pleasing patterns that are stimmy and add to the sexual experience for both of us. I also tend to bite as part of sex which satisfies my need for oral stimulation. Kissing and biting all over my partners body can be a great stim for me. Again, kissing often comes into the mix as a partnered stim. Sex can be a balancing act of intense sensory input which can be overstimulating at times and other ways of stimming with a partner to help balance out the sensory input to avoid becoming overloaded. I’m not sure what else to say right now, but if anyone has a more specific question, feel free to ask! -Sabrina
Twitter Meta Tags
6- twitter:url
- twitter:site@username
- twitter:cardsummary
- twitter:titleoh, yes, please do expand on the sex thing. i'd be very interested.
- twitter:descriptionSo, as I stated in a previous ask, I am of the opinion that sex can definitely be a form of stimming, in so many ways. There are ways to stim together and ways to stim on your partner(s). Kissing is a huge stim for me. It provides such nice sensory input and is typically repetitive and calming for me. My husband and I will kiss for long periods of time as a way to stim. Masturbation can also be a stim. The ways we touch ourselves when masturbating are often rhythmic and repetitive, much like other forms of stimming. The sensory input of masturbation can be intense and very satisfying. I know that I’ve masturbated when in a bad place before as a way to regulate my emotions or senses. As for sex itself, the whole experience is generally very stimmy. Sex tends to be very rhythmic and repetitive while providing a lot of sensory input which all leads to good stimming. As someone who is generally on the receiving end of penetration, feeling my partner’s body rhythmically thump against mine is very calming. It also tends to be a very intense sensory experience. I can feel every movement inside of me as well as all the ways I’m being touched or touching my partner. I often trace patterns on my partner while engaging in sex. I’ll trace his muscles or bones. I’ll glide fingers over skin in pleasing patterns that are stimmy and add to the sexual experience for both of us. I also tend to bite as part of sex which satisfies my need for oral stimulation. Kissing and biting all over my partners body can be a great stim for me. Again, kissing often comes into the mix as a partnered stim. Sex can be a balancing act of intense sensory input which can be overstimulating at times and other ways of stimming with a partner to help balance out the sensory input to avoid becoming overloaded. I’m not sure what else to say right now, but if anyone has a more specific question, feel free to ask! -Sabrina
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