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son the hedge
working full time is terrible why do we just accept that having 8 days off a month is normal and okay…….. being alive could be cool but we waste it at our JOBS…. sorry i’m just heated about capitalism...
son the hedge
working full time is terrible why do we just accept that having 8 days off a month is normal and okay…….. being alive could be cool but we waste it at our JOBS…. sorry i’m just heated about capitalism...
son the hedge
working full time is terrible why do we just accept that having 8 days off a month is normal and okay…….. being alive could be cool but we waste it at our JOBS…. sorry i’m just heated about capitalism...
General Meta Tags
39- titleworking full time is terrible why do we just... - son the hedge
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Open Graph Meta Tags
5- og:site_nameTumblr
- og:titleson the hedge
- og:descriptionworking full time is terrible why do we just accept that having 8 days off a month is normal and okay........ being alive could be cool but we waste it at our JOBS.... sorry i’m just heated about...
- og:urlhttps://averagefairy.tumblr.com/post/187382046837/working-full-time-is-terrible-why-do-we-just
- og:typearticle
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