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At 3:59 PM
At a specific point in the afternoon, the sun positions itself to make the most luminous glow. In the kitchen, there’s a glass panel door that faces dire...
At 3:59 PM
At a specific point in the afternoon, the sun positions itself to make the most luminous glow. In the kitchen, there’s a glass panel door that faces dire...
At 3:59 PM
At a specific point in the afternoon, the sun positions itself to make the most luminous glow. In the kitchen, there’s a glass panel door that faces dire...
General Meta Tags
12- titleAt 3:59 PM | the baker zone
- charsetutf-8
- viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=5
- robotsnoindex, nofollow
- bakersfield-rowlook-for-the-bear-necessities
Open Graph Meta Tags
6- og:site_namethe baker zone
- og:titleAt 3:59 PM
- og:typearticle
- og:url
- og:descriptionAt a specific point in the afternoon, the sun positions itself to make the most luminous glow. In the kitchen, there’s a glass panel door that faces dire...
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2- canonical
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