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How I'd Redesign Alarm and Timer Notifications on iOS
Apologies for the iPhone 13 screenshots on an iPhone 12 body, my mock ups haven't been updated for the 13 yet… Above you can see what is presented to the user when I timer or alarm goes off on iOS. The UI is the same, but the inputs are not
How I'd Redesign Alarm and Timer Notifications on iOS
Apologies for the iPhone 13 screenshots on an iPhone 12 body, my mock ups haven't been updated for the 13 yet… Above you can see what is presented to the user when I timer or alarm goes off on iOS. The UI is the same, but the inputs are not
How I'd Redesign Alarm and Timer Notifications on iOS
Apologies for the iPhone 13 screenshots on an iPhone 12 body, my mock ups haven't been updated for the 13 yet… Above you can see what is presented to the user when I timer or alarm goes off on iOS. The UI is the same, but the inputs are not
General Meta Tags
10- titleHow I'd Redesign Alarm and Timer Notifications on iOS
- charsetutf-8
- viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1
- fediverse:creator
- referrerno-referrer-when-downgrade
Open Graph Meta Tags
8- og:site_nameBirchtree
- og:typearticle
- og:titleHow I'd Redesign Alarm and Timer Notifications on iOS
- og:descriptionApologies for the iPhone 13 screenshots on an iPhone 12 body, my mock ups haven't been updated for the 13 yet… Above you can see what is presented to the user when I timer or alarm goes off on iOS. The UI is the same, but the inputs are not
- og:url
Twitter Meta Tags
9- twitter:cardsummary_large_image
- twitter:titleHow I'd Redesign Alarm and Timer Notifications on iOS
- twitter:descriptionApologies for the iPhone 13 screenshots on an iPhone 12 body, my mock ups haven't been updated for the 13 yet… Above you can see what is presented to the user when I timer or alarm goes off on iOS. The UI is the same, but the inputs are not
- twitter:url
- twitter:image
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