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Propose an Article to Eos

Read our AUTHOR GUIDELINES and FAQ ( before submitting your proposal. -- Scientists, science students, and others who work closely with the scientific community can should use this form to propose an article to Eos. You will be asked to provide the Key Points (200 words), why this article is important for Eos readers (200 words), and any broader impacts of the research you plan to write about (100 words). Please treat these questions as a kind of outline: Give us enough detail to understand what you plan to cover, but do not go into lengthy descriptions of these points. If your proposal relates to a topic Eos has published about (use the search box on to find out), you must be clear in the section asking “What key points will your article make?” about how you plan to build on the previously published coverage in Eos. -- Anyone may use this form to suggest something Eos reporters should cover. Please select the correct radio button below. Due to the volume of submissions, we will not reply to tips unless we need to follow up for additional details.


Propose an Article to Eos

Read our AUTHOR GUIDELINES and FAQ ( before submitting your proposal. -- Scientists, science students, and others who work closely with the scientific community can should use this form to propose an article to Eos. You will be asked to provide the Key Points (200 words), why this article is important for Eos readers (200 words), and any broader impacts of the research you plan to write about (100 words). Please treat these questions as a kind of outline: Give us enough detail to understand what you plan to cover, but do not go into lengthy descriptions of these points. If your proposal relates to a topic Eos has published about (use the search box on to find out), you must be clear in the section asking “What key points will your article make?” about how you plan to build on the previously published coverage in Eos. -- Anyone may use this form to suggest something Eos reporters should cover. Please select the correct radio button below. Due to the volume of submissions, we will not reply to tips unless we need to follow up for additional details.


Propose an Article to Eos

Read our AUTHOR GUIDELINES and FAQ ( before submitting your proposal. -- Scientists, science students, and others who work closely with the scientific community can should use this form to propose an article to Eos. You will be asked to provide the Key Points (200 words), why this article is important for Eos readers (200 words), and any broader impacts of the research you plan to write about (100 words). Please treat these questions as a kind of outline: Give us enough detail to understand what you plan to cover, but do not go into lengthy descriptions of these points. If your proposal relates to a topic Eos has published about (use the search box on to find out), you must be clear in the section asking “What key points will your article make?” about how you plan to build on the previously published coverage in Eos. -- Anyone may use this form to suggest something Eos reporters should cover. Please select the correct radio button below. Due to the volume of submissions, we will not reply to tips unless we need to follow up for additional details.

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      Propose an Article to Eos
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  • Open Graph Meta Tags

    • og:title
      Propose an Article to Eos
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      Google Docs
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  • Item Prop Meta Tags

    • name
      Propose an Article to Eos
    • description
      Read our AUTHOR GUIDELINES and FAQ ( before submitting your proposal. -- Scientists, science students, and others who work closely with the scientific community can should use this form to propose an article to Eos. You will be asked to provide the Key Points (200 words), why this article is important for Eos readers (200 words), and any broader impacts of the research you plan to write about (100 words). Please treat these questions as a kind of outline: Give us enough detail to understand what you plan to cover, but do not go into lengthy descriptions of these points. If your proposal relates to a topic Eos has published about (use the search box on to find out), you must be clear in the section asking “What key points will your article make?” about how you plan to build on the previously published coverage in Eos. -- Anyone may use this form to suggest something Eos reporters should cover. Please select the correct radio button below. Due to the volume of submissions, we will not reply to tips unless we need to follow up for additional details.
    • faviconUrl
    • url
    • embedURL
  • Link Tags

    • apple-touch-icon
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