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Bootstrap 5.0.2

Our latest patch release has arrived to improve our JavaScript plugins, address the / deprecation in Dart Sass, fix a few CSS bugs, and make some documentation improvements. Sass division One of the biggest fixes in Bootstrap v5.0.2 patches the deprecation of / for performing division in Sass. The Dart Sass team deprecated it due to the use of / characters in actual CSS (e.g., separating background values). The bad news was this shipped with deprecation notices, which in our case heavily polluted the build process for everyone.


Bootstrap 5.0.2

Our latest patch release has arrived to improve our JavaScript plugins, address the / deprecation in Dart Sass, fix a few CSS bugs, and make some documentation improvements. Sass division One of the biggest fixes in Bootstrap v5.0.2 patches the deprecation of / for performing division in Sass. The Dart Sass team deprecated it due to the use of / characters in actual CSS (e.g., separating background values). The bad news was this shipped with deprecation notices, which in our case heavily polluted the build process for everyone.


Bootstrap 5.0.2

Our latest patch release has arrived to improve our JavaScript plugins, address the / deprecation in Dart Sass, fix a few CSS bugs, and make some documentation improvements. Sass division One of the biggest fixes in Bootstrap v5.0.2 patches the deprecation of / for performing division in Sass. The Dart Sass team deprecated it due to the use of / characters in actual CSS (e.g., separating background values). The bad news was this shipped with deprecation notices, which in our case heavily polluted the build process for everyone.

  • General Meta Tags

    • title
      Bootstrap 5.0.2 | Bootstrap Blog
    • title
    • title
    • charset
    • viewport
      width=device-width, initial-scale=1
  • Open Graph Meta Tags

    • og:url
    • og:site_name
      Bootstrap Blog
    • og:title
      Bootstrap 5.0.2
    • og:description
      Our latest patch release has arrived to improve our JavaScript plugins, address the / deprecation in Dart Sass, fix a few CSS bugs, and make some documentation improvements. Sass division One of the biggest fixes in Bootstrap v5.0.2 patches the deprecation of / for performing division in Sass. The Dart Sass team deprecated it due to the use of / characters in actual CSS (e.g., separating background values). The bad news was this shipped with deprecation notices, which in our case heavily polluted the build process for everyone.
    • og:locale
  • Twitter Meta Tags

    • twitter:card
    • twitter:image
    • twitter:title
      Bootstrap 5.0.2
    • twitter:description
      Our latest patch release has arrived to improve our JavaScript plugins, address the / deprecation in Dart Sass, fix a few CSS bugs, and make some documentation improvements. Sass division One of the biggest fixes in Bootstrap v5.0.2 patches the deprecation of / for performing division in Sass. The Dart Sass team deprecated it due to the use of / characters in actual CSS (e.g., separating background values). The bad news was this shipped with deprecation notices, which in our case heavily polluted the build process for everyone.
    • twitter:site
  • Item Prop Meta Tags

    • name
      Bootstrap 5.0.2
    • description
      Our latest patch release has arrived to improve our JavaScript plugins, address the / deprecation in Dart Sass, fix a few CSS bugs, and make some documentation improvements. Sass division One of the biggest fixes in Bootstrap v5.0.2 patches the deprecation of / for performing division in Sass. The Dart Sass team deprecated it due to the use of / characters in actual CSS (e.g., separating background values). The bad news was this shipped with deprecation notices, which in our case heavily polluted the build process for everyone.
    • datePublished
    • dateModified
    • wordCount
  • Link Tags

    • alternate
    • apple-touch-icon
    • canonical
    • icon
    • icon
