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Bootstrap Icons v1.9.0

Bootstrap Icons v1.9.0 is here with over 140 new and updated icons, including some longstanding requests for new brands, transportation options, numbers and letters, and so much more. With this release, we’re now at over 1,800 icons! 140+ new icons Here’s a quick look at all the new icons in v1.9.0: Tons of new brand icons including popular browsers, Ubuntu, Google Play, Android, Dropbox, and many more. New transportation icons including cars, trains, planes, fuel, and common road signs.


Bootstrap Icons v1.9.0

Bootstrap Icons v1.9.0 is here with over 140 new and updated icons, including some longstanding requests for new brands, transportation options, numbers and letters, and so much more. With this release, we’re now at over 1,800 icons! 140+ new icons Here’s a quick look at all the new icons in v1.9.0: Tons of new brand icons including popular browsers, Ubuntu, Google Play, Android, Dropbox, and many more. New transportation icons including cars, trains, planes, fuel, and common road signs.


Bootstrap Icons v1.9.0

Bootstrap Icons v1.9.0 is here with over 140 new and updated icons, including some longstanding requests for new brands, transportation options, numbers and letters, and so much more. With this release, we’re now at over 1,800 icons! 140+ new icons Here’s a quick look at all the new icons in v1.9.0: Tons of new brand icons including popular browsers, Ubuntu, Google Play, Android, Dropbox, and many more. New transportation icons including cars, trains, planes, fuel, and common road signs.

  • General Meta Tags

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      Bootstrap Icons v1.9.0 | Bootstrap Blog
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      width=device-width, initial-scale=1
  • Open Graph Meta Tags

    • og:url
    • og:site_name
      Bootstrap Blog
    • og:title
      Bootstrap Icons v1.9.0
    • og:description
      Bootstrap Icons v1.9.0 is here with over 140 new and updated icons, including some longstanding requests for new brands, transportation options, numbers and letters, and so much more. With this release, we’re now at over 1,800 icons! 140+ new icons Here’s a quick look at all the new icons in v1.9.0: Tons of new brand icons including popular browsers, Ubuntu, Google Play, Android, Dropbox, and many more. New transportation icons including cars, trains, planes, fuel, and common road signs.
    • og:locale
  • Twitter Meta Tags

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    • twitter:title
      Bootstrap Icons v1.9.0
    • twitter:description
      Bootstrap Icons v1.9.0 is here with over 140 new and updated icons, including some longstanding requests for new brands, transportation options, numbers and letters, and so much more. With this release, we’re now at over 1,800 icons! 140+ new icons Here’s a quick look at all the new icons in v1.9.0: Tons of new brand icons including popular browsers, Ubuntu, Google Play, Android, Dropbox, and many more. New transportation icons including cars, trains, planes, fuel, and common road signs.
    • twitter:site
  • Item Prop Meta Tags

    • name
      Bootstrap Icons v1.9.0
    • description
      Bootstrap Icons v1.9.0 is here with over 140 new and updated icons, including some longstanding requests for new brands, transportation options, numbers and letters, and so much more. With this release, we’re now at over 1,800 icons! 140+ new icons Here’s a quick look at all the new icons in v1.9.0: Tons of new brand icons including popular browsers, Ubuntu, Google Play, Android, Dropbox, and many more. New transportation icons including cars, trains, planes, fuel, and common road signs.
    • datePublished
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    • wordCount
  • Link Tags

    • alternate
    • apple-touch-icon
    • canonical
    • icon
    • icon
