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Bootstrap 5.3.1

Bootstrap v5.3.1 is here with bug fixes, documentation improvements, and more follow-up enhancements for color modes. Keep reading for the highlights! Color modes: Increased color contrast for dark mode by replacing $gray-500 with $gray-300 for the body color Added our color mode switcher JavaScript to our examples ZIP download Components: Improved disabled styling for all .nav-links, providing .disabled and :disabled for use with anchors and buttons Add support for Home and End keys for navigating tabs by keyboard Added some basic styling to toggle buttons when no modifier class is present Fixed carousel colors in dark mode Forms: Fixed floating label disabled text color Utilities: .


Bootstrap 5.3.1

Bootstrap v5.3.1 is here with bug fixes, documentation improvements, and more follow-up enhancements for color modes. Keep reading for the highlights! Color modes: Increased color contrast for dark mode by replacing $gray-500 with $gray-300 for the body color Added our color mode switcher JavaScript to our examples ZIP download Components: Improved disabled styling for all .nav-links, providing .disabled and :disabled for use with anchors and buttons Add support for Home and End keys for navigating tabs by keyboard Added some basic styling to toggle buttons when no modifier class is present Fixed carousel colors in dark mode Forms: Fixed floating label disabled text color Utilities: .


Bootstrap 5.3.1

Bootstrap v5.3.1 is here with bug fixes, documentation improvements, and more follow-up enhancements for color modes. Keep reading for the highlights! Color modes: Increased color contrast for dark mode by replacing $gray-500 with $gray-300 for the body color Added our color mode switcher JavaScript to our examples ZIP download Components: Improved disabled styling for all .nav-links, providing .disabled and :disabled for use with anchors and buttons Add support for Home and End keys for navigating tabs by keyboard Added some basic styling to toggle buttons when no modifier class is present Fixed carousel colors in dark mode Forms: Fixed floating label disabled text color Utilities: .

  • General Meta Tags

    • title
      Bootstrap 5.3.1 | Bootstrap Blog
    • title
    • title
    • charset
    • viewport
      width=device-width, initial-scale=1
  • Open Graph Meta Tags

    • og:url
    • og:site_name
      Bootstrap Blog
    • og:title
      Bootstrap 5.3.1
    • og:description
      Bootstrap v5.3.1 is here with bug fixes, documentation improvements, and more follow-up enhancements for color modes. Keep reading for the highlights! Color modes: Increased color contrast for dark mode by replacing $gray-500 with $gray-300 for the body color Added our color mode switcher JavaScript to our examples ZIP download Components: Improved disabled styling for all .nav-links, providing .disabled and :disabled for use with anchors and buttons Add support for Home and End keys for navigating tabs by keyboard Added some basic styling to toggle buttons when no modifier class is present Fixed carousel colors in dark mode Forms: Fixed floating label disabled text color Utilities: .
    • og:locale
  • Twitter Meta Tags

    • twitter:card
    • twitter:image
    • twitter:title
      Bootstrap 5.3.1
    • twitter:description
      Bootstrap v5.3.1 is here with bug fixes, documentation improvements, and more follow-up enhancements for color modes. Keep reading for the highlights! Color modes: Increased color contrast for dark mode by replacing $gray-500 with $gray-300 for the body color Added our color mode switcher JavaScript to our examples ZIP download Components: Improved disabled styling for all .nav-links, providing .disabled and :disabled for use with anchors and buttons Add support for Home and End keys for navigating tabs by keyboard Added some basic styling to toggle buttons when no modifier class is present Fixed carousel colors in dark mode Forms: Fixed floating label disabled text color Utilities: .
    • twitter:site
  • Item Prop Meta Tags

    • name
      Bootstrap 5.3.1
    • description
      Bootstrap v5.3.1 is here with bug fixes, documentation improvements, and more follow-up enhancements for color modes. Keep reading for the highlights! Color modes: Increased color contrast for dark mode by replacing $gray-500 with $gray-300 for the body color Added our color mode switcher JavaScript to our examples ZIP download Components: Improved disabled styling for all .nav-links, providing .disabled and :disabled for use with anchors and buttons Add support for Home and End keys for navigating tabs by keyboard Added some basic styling to toggle buttons when no modifier class is present Fixed carousel colors in dark mode Forms: Fixed floating label disabled text color Utilities: .
    • datePublished
    • dateModified
    • wordCount
  • Link Tags

    • alternate
    • apple-touch-icon
    • canonical
    • icon
    • icon
