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GeoIP Legacy Databases have been Retired
It’s the end of an era! For 20 years, MaxMind has provided IP geolocation data under the GeoIP brand with the Legacy .DAT database format. With the help of our customers, we helped democratize the IP intelligence industry, bringing accessible IP geolocation data to tens of thousands of businesses. GeoIP2 and the introduction of IPv6 A lot has changed about the internet over the last 20 years, and the Legacy format could no longer keep pace with the extraordinary changes that the 21st century has brought. The biggest of these changes was the adoption of the IPv6 format.
GeoIP Legacy Databases have been Retired
It’s the end of an era! For 20 years, MaxMind has provided IP geolocation data under the GeoIP brand with the Legacy .DAT database format. With the help of our customers, we helped democratize the IP intelligence industry, bringing accessible IP geolocation data to tens of thousands of businesses. GeoIP2 and the introduction of IPv6 A lot has changed about the internet over the last 20 years, and the Legacy format could no longer keep pace with the extraordinary changes that the 21st century has brought. The biggest of these changes was the adoption of the IPv6 format.
GeoIP Legacy Databases have been Retired
It’s the end of an era! For 20 years, MaxMind has provided IP geolocation data under the GeoIP brand with the Legacy .DAT database format. With the help of our customers, we helped democratize the IP intelligence industry, bringing accessible IP geolocation data to tens of thousands of businesses. GeoIP2 and the introduction of IPv6 A lot has changed about the internet over the last 20 years, and the Legacy format could no longer keep pace with the extraordinary changes that the 21st century has brought. The biggest of these changes was the adoption of the IPv6 format.
General Meta Tags
6- titleGeoIP Legacy Databases have been Retired
- charsetutf-8
- viewportwidth=device-width,initial-scale=1
- article:section2022
- article:published_time2022-06-01T00:00:00+00:00
Open Graph Meta Tags
7- og:url
- og:site_nameMaxMind
- og:titleGeoIP Legacy Databases have been Retired
- og:descriptionIt’s the end of an era! For 20 years, MaxMind has provided IP geolocation data under the GeoIP brand with the Legacy .DAT database format. With the help of our customers, we helped democratize the IP intelligence industry, bringing accessible IP geolocation data to tens of thousands of businesses. GeoIP2 and the introduction of IPv6 A lot has changed about the internet over the last 20 years, and the Legacy format could no longer keep pace with the extraordinary changes that the 21st century has brought. The biggest of these changes was the adoption of the IPv6 format.
- og:localeen_us
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