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How we got to 10,000 stars (+ why you should be launching as often as you can)
Why does YC keep talking about "launch early, launch often"? By default.. people don't know that you exist. It's your job to be the squeaky wheel, and let people know "HEY I EXIST", "HEY I CAN SOLVE YOUR PROBLEM" You may have seen my many posts talking about Skyvern hitting
How we got to 10,000 stars (+ why you should be launching as often as you can)
Why does YC keep talking about "launch early, launch often"? By default.. people don't know that you exist. It's your job to be the squeaky wheel, and let people know "HEY I EXIST", "HEY I CAN SOLVE YOUR PROBLEM" You may have seen my many posts talking about Skyvern hitting
How we got to 10,000 stars (+ why you should be launching as often as you can)
Why does YC keep talking about "launch early, launch often"? By default.. people don't know that you exist. It's your job to be the squeaky wheel, and let people know "HEY I EXIST", "HEY I CAN SOLVE YOUR PROBLEM" You may have seen my many posts talking about Skyvern hitting
General Meta Tags
9- titleHow we got to 10,000 stars (+ why you should be launching as often as you can)
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Open Graph Meta Tags
8- og:site_nameSkyvern Blog
- og:typearticle
- og:titleHow we got to 10,000 stars (+ why you should be launching as often as you can)
- og:descriptionWhy does YC keep talking about "launch early, launch often"? By default.. people don't know that you exist. It's your job to be the squeaky wheel, and let people know "HEY I EXIST", "HEY I CAN SOLVE YOUR PROBLEM" You may have seen my many posts talking about Skyvern hitting
- og:url
Twitter Meta Tags
8- twitter:cardsummary_large_image
- twitter:titleHow we got to 10,000 stars (+ why you should be launching as often as you can)
- twitter:descriptionWhy does YC keep talking about "launch early, launch often"? By default.. people don't know that you exist. It's your job to be the squeaky wheel, and let people know "HEY I EXIST", "HEY I CAN SOLVE YOUR PROBLEM" You may have seen my many posts talking about Skyvern hitting
- twitter:url
- twitter:image
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