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Dynamic Variable Resistance Training is The Best Tool Not In Use - Breaking Muscle

Josh Henkin is a CSCS and Master RKC with twenty years of experience. His innovative Dynamic Variable Resistance Training (DVRT™) has allowed him to present in more than 13 countries and publish in top outlets like Men's Health and the Wall Street Journal. In this episode, we discuss the DVRT system, why sandbags are such a versatile tool and the importance of training modalities that challenge stability and develop sound movement mechanics. If you enjoyed this podcast and took value from it, please rate and review to help us spread the word to motivate and inspire others to take their performance to the next level. For more podcasts like this, visit the Six Pack of Knowledge page. Your host Tom MacCormick is a personal trainer and online coach whose goal is to be the curator of the greatest hypertrophy experts on the planet. If you are interested in working with Tom or finding out more about him then follow him on Instagram @tommaccormick or visit his website


Dynamic Variable Resistance Training is The Best Tool Not In Use - Breaking Muscle

Josh Henkin is a CSCS and Master RKC with twenty years of experience. His innovative Dynamic Variable Resistance Training (DVRT™) has allowed him to present in more than 13 countries and publish in top outlets like Men's Health and the Wall Street Journal. In this episode, we discuss the DVRT system, why sandbags are such a versatile tool and the importance of training modalities that challenge stability and develop sound movement mechanics. If you enjoyed this podcast and took value from it, please rate and review to help us spread the word to motivate and inspire others to take their performance to the next level. For more podcasts like this, visit the Six Pack of Knowledge page. Your host Tom MacCormick is a personal trainer and online coach whose goal is to be the curator of the greatest hypertrophy experts on the planet. If you are interested in working with Tom or finding out more about him then follow him on Instagram @tommaccormick or visit his website


Dynamic Variable Resistance Training is The Best Tool Not In Use - Breaking Muscle

Josh Henkin is a CSCS and Master RKC with twenty years of experience. His innovative Dynamic Variable Resistance Training (DVRT™) has allowed him to present in more than 13 countries and publish in top outlets like Men's Health and the Wall Street Journal. In this episode, we discuss the DVRT system, why sandbags are such a versatile tool and the importance of training modalities that challenge stability and develop sound movement mechanics. If you enjoyed this podcast and took value from it, please rate and review to help us spread the word to motivate and inspire others to take their performance to the next level. For more podcasts like this, visit the Six Pack of Knowledge page. Your host Tom MacCormick is a personal trainer and online coach whose goal is to be the curator of the greatest hypertrophy experts on the planet. If you are interested in working with Tom or finding out more about him then follow him on Instagram @tommaccormick or visit his website

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      Dynamic Variable Resistance Training is The Best Tool Not In Use - Breaking Muscle
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      Dynamic Variable Resistance Training is The Best Tool Not In Use - Breaking Muscle
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      Josh Henkin is a CSCS and Master RKC with twenty years of experience. His innovative Dynamic Variable Resistance Training (DVRT™) has allowed him to present in more than 13 countries and publish in top outlets like Men’s Health and the Wall Street Journal. In this episode, we discuss the DVRT system, why sandbags are such a versatile tool...
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      Tom MacCormick
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      Josh Henkin is a CSCS and Master RKC with twenty years of experience. His innovative Dynamic Variable Resistance Training (DVRT™) has allowed him to present in more than 13 countries and publish in top outlets like Men's Health and the Wall Street Journal. In this episode, we discuss the DVRT system, why sandbags are such a versatile tool and the importance of training modalities that challenge stability and develop sound movement mechanics. If you enjoyed this podcast and took value from it, please rate and review to help us spread the word to motivate and inspire others to take their performance to the next level. For more podcasts like this, visit the Six Pack of Knowledge page. Your host Tom MacCormick is a personal trainer and online coach whose goal is to be the curator of the greatest hypertrophy experts on the planet. If you are interested in working with Tom or finding out more about him then follow him on Instagram @tommaccormick or visit his website
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