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you can't be straight in space
gwenfrankenstien: “ttrpg is bad actually because it makes you do things like ‘make fanmixes for a character literally five people have heard of' ”
you can't be straight in space
gwenfrankenstien: “ttrpg is bad actually because it makes you do things like ‘make fanmixes for a character literally five people have heard of' ”
you can't be straight in space
gwenfrankenstien: “ttrpg is bad actually because it makes you do things like ‘make fanmixes for a character literally five people have heard of' ”
General Meta Tags
31- titleyou can't be straight in space
- descriptiongwenfrankenstien: “ttrpg is bad actually because it makes you do things like ‘make fanmixes for a character literally five people have heard of' ”
- color:Ask#d1d8df
- color:Background#f2f2f2
- color:Blogtitle#ffffff
Open Graph Meta Tags
9- og:site_nameTumblr
- og:titleyou can't be straight in space
- og:urlhttps://bumblebeebats.tumblr.com/post/626822057140846592/gwenfrankenstien-ttrpg-is-bad-actually-because
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Link Tags
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69- http://mayasynth.tumblr.com
- http://nicewarmbed.tumblr.com
- https://alekminecraft.tumblr.com
- https://animalpetcel.tumblr.com
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