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i'm cheeri
great-and-small: “It actually bums me out that astrology has persisted through the years as the standard BS divinatory practice that people really buy into, when it so easily could have been...
i'm cheeri
great-and-small: “It actually bums me out that astrology has persisted through the years as the standard BS divinatory practice that people really buy into, when it so easily could have been...
i'm cheeri
great-and-small: “It actually bums me out that astrology has persisted through the years as the standard BS divinatory practice that people really buy into, when it so easily could have been...
General Meta Tags
100- titlei'm cheeri : It actually bums me out that astrology has...
- descriptiongreat-and-small: “It actually bums me out that astrology has persisted through the years as the standard BS divinatory practice that people really buy into, when it so easily could have been...
- charsetutf-8
- viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1.0
- image:Sidebar
Open Graph Meta Tags
5- og:site_nameTumblr
- og:titlei'm cheeri
- og:descriptionIt actually bums me out that astrology has persisted through the years as the standard BS divinatory practice that people really buy into, when it so easily could have been ornithomancy instead. We...
- og:urlhttps://certified-anakinfucker.tumblr.com/post/762192716847300608
- og:typearticle
Link Tags
12- alternatehttps://certified-anakinfucker.tumblr.com/rss
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89- https://100pureawesomeness.tumblr.com
- https://100pureawesomeness.tumblr.com/post/766659906389622784
- https://7thedisasterdyke.tumblr.com
- https://7thedisasterdyke.tumblr.com/post/766660936766554112
- https://abracazabka.tumblr.com/post/762192055447453696