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Categories | EV community

As car makers transition manufacturing to electric vehicles, we are at the dawn of a new age of motoring. The NRMA is hosting this forum to connect our Members and the community as we all take this journey towards a sustainable future of mobility. We encourage open discussion and knowledge sharing. We will support this through curated content, moderation and advice. Please respect our community rules. As always, our team is here to help.


Categories | EV community

As car makers transition manufacturing to electric vehicles, we are at the dawn of a new age of motoring. The NRMA is hosting this forum to connect our Members and the community as we all take this journey towards a sustainable future of mobility. We encourage open discussion and knowledge sharing. We will support this through curated content, moderation and advice. Please respect our community rules. As always, our team is here to help.


Categories | EV community

As car makers transition manufacturing to electric vehicles, we are at the dawn of a new age of motoring. The NRMA is hosting this forum to connect our Members and the community as we all take this journey towards a sustainable future of mobility. We encourage open discussion and knowledge sharing. We will support this through curated content, moderation and advice. Please respect our community rules. As always, our team is here to help.

  • General Meta Tags

    • title
      ‎Categories | EV community
    • X-UA-Compatible
    • Content-Type
      text/html; charset=utf-8
    • viewport
      width=device-width, initial-scale=1
    • description
      As car makers transition manufacturing to electric vehicles, we are at the dawn of a new age of motoring. The NRMA is hosting this forum to connect our Members and the community as we all take this journey towards a sustainable future of mobility. We encourage open discussion and knowledge sharing. We will support this through curated content, moderation and advice. Please respect our community rules. As always, our team is here to help.
  • Open Graph Meta Tags

    • og:title
      EV community
    • og:url
    • og:description
      As car makers transition manufacturing to electric vehicles, we are at the dawn of a new age of motoring. The NRMA is hosting this forum to connect our Members and the community as we all take this journey towards a sustainable future of mobility. We encourage open discussion and knowledge sharing. We will support this through curated content, moderation and advice. Please respect our community rules. As always, our team is here to help.
    • og:type
    • og:site_name
      EV community
  • Twitter Meta Tags

    • twitter:card
    • twitter:image
    • twitter:title
      EV community
    • twitter:description
      As car makers transition manufacturing to electric vehicles, we are at the dawn of a new age of motoring. The NRMA is hosting this forum to connect our Members and the community as we all take this journey towards a sustainable future of mobility. We encourage open discussion and knowledge sharing. We will support this through curated content, moderation and advice. Please respect our community rules. As always, our team is here to help.
  • Link Tags

    • canonical
    • icon
    • manifest
    • preload
    • preload
