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Degrees in random $m$-ary hooking networks

The theme in this paper is a composition of random graphs and P\'olya urns. The random graphs are generated through a small structure called the seed. Via P\'olya urns, we study the asymptotic degree structure in a random $m$-ary hooking network and identify strong laws. We further upgrade the result to second-order asymptotics in the form of multivariate Gaussian limit laws. We give a few concrete examples and explore some properties with a full representation of the Gaussian limit in each case. The asymptotic covariance matrix associated with the P\'olya urn is obtained by a new method that originated in this paper and is reported in [25].


Degrees in random $m$-ary hooking networks

The theme in this paper is a composition of random graphs and P\'olya urns. The random graphs are generated through a small structure called the seed. Via P\'olya urns, we study the asymptotic degree structure in a random $m$-ary hooking network and identify strong laws. We further upgrade the result to second-order asymptotics in the form of multivariate Gaussian limit laws. We give a few concrete examples and explore some properties with a full representation of the Gaussian limit in each case. The asymptotic covariance matrix associated with the P\'olya urn is obtained by a new method that originated in this paper and is reported in [25].


Degrees in random $m$-ary hooking networks

The theme in this paper is a composition of random graphs and P\'olya urns. The random graphs are generated through a small structure called the seed. Via P\'olya urns, we study the asymptotic degree structure in a random $m$-ary hooking network and identify strong laws. We further upgrade the result to second-order asymptotics in the form of multivariate Gaussian limit laws. We give a few concrete examples and explore some properties with a full representation of the Gaussian limit in each case. The asymptotic covariance matrix associated with the P\'olya urn is obtained by a new method that originated in this paper and is reported in [25].

  • General Meta Tags

    • title
      #13525 - Degrees in random $m$-ary hooking networks
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      width=device-width, initial-scale=1
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      text/html; charset=utf-8
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    • citation_author
      Kiran R. Bhutani
  • Open Graph Meta Tags

    • og:title
      Degrees in random $m$-ary hooking networks
    • og:type
    • og:article:published_time
      2023-08-09 00:00:00
    • og:article:modified_time
      2024-05-02 13:40:12
    • og:article:author
      Kiran R. Bhutani
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    • twitter:title
      Degrees in random $m$-ary hooking networks
    • twitter:description
      The theme in this paper is a composition of random graphs and P\'olya urns. The random graphs are generated through a small structure called the seed. Via P\'olya urns, we study the asymptotic degree structure in a random $m$-ary hooking network and identify strong laws. We further upgrade the result to second-order asymptotics in the form of multivariate Gaussian limit laws. We give a few concrete examples and explore some properties with a full representation of the Gaussian limit in each case. The asymptotic covariance matrix associated with the P\'olya urn is obtained by a new method that originated in this paper and is reported in [25].
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