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Anomaly Scoring :: CRS Documentation
CRS 3 is designed as an anomaly scoring rule set. This page explains what anomaly scoring is and how to use it. Overview of Anomaly Scoring Anomaly scoring, also known as “collaborative detection”, is a scoring mechanism used in CRS. It assigns a numeric score to HTTP transactions (requests and responses), representing how ‘anomalous’ they appear to be. Anomaly scores can then be used to make blocking decisions. The default CRS blocking policy, for example, is to block any transaction that meets or exceeds a defined anomaly score threshold.
Anomaly Scoring :: CRS Documentation
CRS 3 is designed as an anomaly scoring rule set. This page explains what anomaly scoring is and how to use it. Overview of Anomaly Scoring Anomaly scoring, also known as “collaborative detection”, is a scoring mechanism used in CRS. It assigns a numeric score to HTTP transactions (requests and responses), representing how ‘anomalous’ they appear to be. Anomaly scores can then be used to make blocking decisions. The default CRS blocking policy, for example, is to block any transaction that meets or exceeds a defined anomaly score threshold.
Anomaly Scoring :: CRS Documentation
CRS 3 is designed as an anomaly scoring rule set. This page explains what anomaly scoring is and how to use it. Overview of Anomaly Scoring Anomaly scoring, also known as “collaborative detection”, is a scoring mechanism used in CRS. It assigns a numeric score to HTTP transactions (requests and responses), representing how ‘anomalous’ they appear to be. Anomaly scores can then be used to make blocking decisions. The default CRS blocking policy, for example, is to block any transaction that meets or exceeds a defined anomaly score threshold.
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8- titleAnomaly Scoring :: CRS Documentation
- charsetutf-8
- viewportheight=device-height, width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0
- generatorHugo 0.135.0
- generatorRelearn 7.1.1
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6- og:url
- og:site_nameCRS Documentation
- og:titleAnomaly Scoring :: CRS Documentation
- og:descriptionCRS 3 is designed as an anomaly scoring rule set. This page explains what anomaly scoring is and how to use it. Overview of Anomaly Scoring Anomaly scoring, also known as “collaborative detection”, is a scoring mechanism used in CRS. It assigns a numeric score to HTTP transactions (requests and responses), representing how ‘anomalous’ they appear to be. Anomaly scores can then be used to make blocking decisions. The default CRS blocking policy, for example, is to block any transaction that meets or exceeds a defined anomaly score threshold.
- og:localeen_us
Twitter Meta Tags
3- twitter:cardsummary
- twitter:titleAnomaly Scoring :: CRS Documentation
- twitter:descriptionCRS 3 is designed as an anomaly scoring rule set. This page explains what anomaly scoring is and how to use it. Overview of Anomaly Scoring Anomaly scoring, also known as “collaborative detection”, is a scoring mechanism used in CRS. It assigns a numeric score to HTTP transactions (requests and responses), representing how ‘anomalous’ they appear to be. Anomaly scores can then be used to make blocking decisions. The default CRS blocking policy, for example, is to block any transaction that meets or exceeds a defined anomaly score threshold.
Item Prop Meta Tags
3- nameAnomaly Scoring :: CRS Documentation
- descriptionCRS 3 is designed as an anomaly scoring rule set. This page explains what anomaly scoring is and how to use it. Overview of Anomaly Scoring Anomaly scoring, also known as “collaborative detection”, is a scoring mechanism used in CRS. It assigns a numeric score to HTTP transactions (requests and responses), representing how ‘anomalous’ they appear to be. Anomaly scores can then be used to make blocking decisions. The default CRS blocking policy, for example, is to block any transaction that meets or exceeds a defined anomaly score threshold.
- wordCount2209
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