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The Vision of the Future with Human-Centered Technology [Part 1]
On January 19th and 20th, 2022, Fujitsu held “Fujitsu ActivateNow: Technology Summit 2022" as an online event. The theme -- "Towards a Sustainable World: Technology Shaping a Better Future" -- was designed as a place to discuss how technology innovation can help solve complex issues such as climate change, natural disasters, social challenges (including inequality and aging), and pandemics. In addition to examples of cutting-edge technology from Fujitsu R&D, panels with experts from academia, government, medical, and industry discussed the future of the technology field such as computers, AI, and data, and society. The discussions highlighted issues we face in both. In Part 1, we focus on Keynote.
The Vision of the Future with Human-Centered Technology [Part 1]
On January 19th and 20th, 2022, Fujitsu held “Fujitsu ActivateNow: Technology Summit 2022" as an online event. The theme -- "Towards a Sustainable World: Technology Shaping a Better Future" -- was designed as a place to discuss how technology innovation can help solve complex issues such as climate change, natural disasters, social challenges (including inequality and aging), and pandemics. In addition to examples of cutting-edge technology from Fujitsu R&D, panels with experts from academia, government, medical, and industry discussed the future of the technology field such as computers, AI, and data, and society. The discussions highlighted issues we face in both. In Part 1, we focus on Keynote.
The Vision of the Future with Human-Centered Technology [Part 1]
On January 19th and 20th, 2022, Fujitsu held “Fujitsu ActivateNow: Technology Summit 2022" as an online event. The theme -- "Towards a Sustainable World: Technology Shaping a Better Future" -- was designed as a place to discuss how technology innovation can help solve complex issues such as climate change, natural disasters, social challenges (including inequality and aging), and pandemics. In addition to examples of cutting-edge technology from Fujitsu R&D, panels with experts from academia, government, medical, and industry discussed the future of the technology field such as computers, AI, and data, and society. The discussions highlighted issues we face in both. In Part 1, we focus on Keynote.
General Meta Tags
12- titleThe Vision of the Future with Human-Centered Technology [Part 1] : FUJITSU BLOG - Global
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- descriptionOn January 19th and 20th, 2022, Fujitsu held “Fujitsu ActivateNow: Technology Summit 2022" as an online event. The theme -- "Towards a Sustainable World: Technology Shaping a Better Future" -- was designed as a place to discuss how technology innovation can help solve complex issues such as climate change, natural disasters, social challenges (including inequality and aging), and pandemics. In addition to examples of cutting-edge technology from Fujitsu R&D, panels with experts from academia, government, medical, and industry discussed the future of the technology field such as computers, AI, and data, and society. The discussions highlighted issues we face in both. In Part 1, we focus on Keynote.
Open Graph Meta Tags
6- og:descriptionOn January 19th and 20th, 2022, Fujitsu held “Fujitsu ActivateNow: Technology Summit 2022" as an online event. The theme -- "Towards a Sustainable World: Technology Shaping a Better Future" -- was designed as a place to discuss how technology innovation can help solve complex issues such as climate change, natural disasters, social challenges (including inequality and aging), and pandemics. In addition to examples of cutting-edge technology from Fujitsu R&D, panels with experts from academia, government, medical, and industry discussed the future of the technology field such as computers, AI, and data, and society. The discussions highlighted issues we face in both. In Part 1, we focus on Keynote.
- og:typearticle
- og:site_nameFujitsu Blog - Global
- og:image
- og:titleThe Vision of the Future with Human-Centered Technology [Part 1]
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