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A First Encounter with the Collection of Painted Hides
The set of North American painted hides held in French collections is the largest and oldest of its kind anywhere in the world. Fifteen of them, in the musée du quai Branly - Jacques Chirac, date back to the eighteenth century. The hides come from the ethnographic collection of the Cabinet des Médai
A First Encounter with the Collection of Painted Hides
The set of North American painted hides held in French collections is the largest and oldest of its kind anywhere in the world. Fifteen of them, in the musée du quai Branly - Jacques Chirac, date back to the eighteenth century. The hides come from the ethnographic collection of the Cabinet des Médai
A First Encounter with the Collection of Painted Hides
The set of North American painted hides held in French collections is the largest and oldest of its kind anywhere in the world. Fifteen of them, in the musée du quai Branly - Jacques Chirac, date back to the eighteenth century. The hides come from the ethnographic collection of the Cabinet des Médai
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12- titleA First Encounter with the Collection of Painted Hides
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- titleA First Encounter with the Collection of Painted Hides
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- og:titleA First Encounter with the Collection of Painted Hides
- og:descriptionThe set of North American painted hides held in French collections is the largest and oldest of its kind anywhere in the world. Fifteen of them, in the musée du quai Branly - Jacques Chirac, date back to the eighteenth century. The hides come from the ethnographic collection of the Cabinet des Médai
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