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      dont-drink-paint: So I figure a number of you nerds among my followers probably play ttrpgs right? I had a “this opinion is not universal” experience in a session recently, and now I curious how this works at y'all’s tables. RPG-Etiquette poll! Aside from little things like going to the bathroom and getting a new drink, how do you look at a player leaving the the table (or, in a digital game, removing their headphones/leaving the computer) for the duration of a scene they’re not in? Say the party has split, half the party is IC-present for the scene, but the scene isn’t actively secret. Player(s) leaving an ongoing game during a scene that their character isn’t present for, what do we think? Encouraged. Remove temptations of backseat playing or using ooc-info. No worries. Offscreen players may stay or do something else as they prefer. Leaving shows disinterest to GM efforts and active players. Only done if needed* Ok in person (easy to re-summon), less ok online (no idea if player sees pings) More ok online (more subtle, not signaling disinterest to other players) The game is always paused until all players are present. Entirely depends on the nature of the ongoing scene, or some other parameter. My opinion does not fit within these options (please comment or tag!) See Results *A player who is tired, stressed, overstimulated or otherwise really need a break may sit out the scene, but it isn’t optimal. No option for seeing results, check in again next week! I’m curious, since the options I heard showed really different viewpoints. Oh, this is really interesting! Myself picked “Entirely depends”, but love to share reasoning. For context: I both play and DM online. This obviously not including situations like regular breaks during gametime, cases when someone due to whatever reasons needs to leave the table and the like. I am not very concerned with metagaming or non-intrusive backseating, as long as it is not detrimental to everyone having fun. I also don’t think leaving shows disinterest, as some people might need to recharge social or physical battery more often then others, have something not necessarily urgent, but needed to be done, or million other reasons. And sometimes you just don’t personally enjoy shopping part of session or puzzles or something else to the effect, completely valid as well. So my main concern would be: - knowing approximately for how long someone is gone and/or being able to ping them; - it being noted in chat that person is leaving/came back. Nothing really fancy just “brb - I am back”; - that specific scene is not something hugely important to world, story, group, etc. In this case I would opt to pause until everyone is back. To specifically illustrate: Bard and Warlock went shopping; solving actual puzzles that Druid and Monk like, but you are indifferent to; minor slice of life scenes of different party members doing prep or unwinding after adventure - perfectly fine by me for people to tune out or go stretch their legs. Party does investigation and split to cover more area; Fighter got separated from the group and is about to run into BBEG; during the downtime between adventure Wizard is about to uncover a conspiracy threatening the city - I would prefer for people to be present so they can get information first-hand as it happens, even if their characters are not present, so we will wait.
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      dont-drink-paint: So I figure a number of you nerds among my followers probably play ttrpgs right? I had a “this opinion is not universal” experience in a session recently, and now I curious how this works at y'all’s tables. RPG-Etiquette poll! Aside from little things like going to the bathroom and getting a new drink, how do you look at a player leaving the the table (or, in a digital game, removing their headphones/leaving the computer) for the duration of a scene they’re not in? Say the party has split, half the party is IC-present for the scene, but the scene isn’t actively secret. Player(s) leaving an ongoing game during a scene that their character isn’t present for, what do we think? Encouraged. Remove temptations of backseat playing or using ooc-info. No worries. Offscreen players may stay or do something else as they prefer. Leaving shows disinterest to GM efforts and active players. Only done if needed* Ok in person (easy to re-summon), less ok online (no idea if player sees pings) More ok online (more subtle, not signaling disinterest to other players) The game is always paused until all players are present. Entirely depends on the nature of the ongoing scene, or some other parameter. My opinion does not fit within these options (please comment or tag!) See Results *A player who is tired, stressed, overstimulated or otherwise really need a break may sit out the scene, but it isn’t optimal. No option for seeing results, check in again next week! I’m curious, since the options I heard showed really different viewpoints. Oh, this is really interesting! Myself picked “Entirely depends”, but love to share reasoning. For context: I both play and DM online. This obviously not including situations like regular breaks during gametime, cases when someone due to whatever reasons needs to leave the table and the like. I am not very concerned with metagaming or non-intrusive backseating, as long as it is not detrimental to everyone having fun. I also don’t think leaving shows disinterest, as some people might need to recharge social or physical battery more often then others, have something not necessarily urgent, but needed to be done, or million other reasons. And sometimes you just don’t personally enjoy shopping part of session or puzzles or something else to the effect, completely valid as well. So my main concern would be: - knowing approximately for how long someone is gone and/or being able to ping them; - it being noted in chat that person is leaving/came back. Nothing really fancy just “brb - I am back”; - that specific scene is not something hugely important to world, story, group, etc. In this case I would opt to pause until everyone is back. To specifically illustrate: Bard and Warlock went shopping; solving actual puzzles that Druid and Monk like, but you are indifferent to; minor slice of life scenes of different party members doing prep or unwinding after adventure - perfectly fine by me for people to tune out or go stretch their legs. Party does investigation and split to cover more area; Fighter got separated from the group and is about to run into BBEG; during the downtime between adventure Wizard is about to uncover a conspiracy threatening the city - I would prefer for people to be present so they can get information first-hand as it happens, even if their characters are not present, so we will wait.
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