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Local authentication and authorization system for immediate setup of cloud environments
Discusses the difficulties in setting up complex cloud solutions, proposing a concept to simplify the process through the mapping of cloud resources to the permission management of a Unix-like operating system and a separation of cloud middleware and operating system interactions.
Local authentication and authorization system for immediate setup of cloud environments
Discusses the difficulties in setting up complex cloud solutions, proposing a concept to simplify the process through the mapping of cloud resources to the permission management of a Unix-like operating system and a separation of cloud middleware and operating system interactions.
Local authentication and authorization system for immediate setup of cloud environments
Discusses the difficulties in setting up complex cloud solutions, proposing a concept to simplify the process through the mapping of cloud resources to the permission management of a Unix-like operating system and a separation of cloud middleware and operating system interactions.
General Meta Tags
11- titleLocal authentication and authorization system for immediate setup of cloud environments - Daniel Thilo Schroeder
- charsetutf-8
- article:published_time2012-08-22T00:00:00-07:00
- HandheldFriendlyTrue
- MobileOptimized320
Open Graph Meta Tags
6- og:localeen-US
- og:site_nameDaniel Thilo Schroeder
- og:titleLocal authentication and authorization system for immediate setup of cloud environments
- og:urlhttps://danielthiloschroeder.org//publication/2013-08-22-local-authentication-and-authorization-1
- og:descriptionDiscusses the difficulties in setting up complex cloud solutions, proposing a concept to simplify the process through the mapping of cloud resources to the permission management of a Unix-like operating system and a separation of cloud middleware and operating system interactions.
Item Prop Meta Tags
3- headlineLocal authentication and authorization system for immediate setup of cloud environments
- descriptionDiscusses the difficulties in setting up complex cloud solutions, proposing a concept to simplify the process through the mapping of cloud resources to the permission management of a Unix-like operating system and a separation of cloud middleware and operating system interactions.
- datePublishedAugust 22, 2012
Link Tags
20- alternatehttps://danielthiloschroeder.org//feed.xml
- apple-touch-iconhttps://danielthiloschroeder.org//images/apple-touch-icon-57x57.png?v=M44lzPylqQ
- apple-touch-iconhttps://danielthiloschroeder.org//images/apple-touch-icon-60x60.png?v=M44lzPylqQ
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19- http://jekyllrb.com
- https://chaos.social/@dts
- https://danielthiloschroeder.org/
- https://danielthiloschroeder.org//cv
- https://danielthiloschroeder.org//publications