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Apple Responds to Controversy on iPhone Batteries and Performance
The funny thing about Apple is that their communication problems tend to happen only when they don’t communicate at all. This whole iPhone battery controversy erupted only because Apple had never explained what was going on, which opened them up to accusations of nefarious intent.
Apple Responds to Controversy on iPhone Batteries and Performance
The funny thing about Apple is that their communication problems tend to happen only when they don’t communicate at all. This whole iPhone battery controversy erupted only because Apple had never explained what was going on, which opened them up to accusations of nefarious intent.
Apple Responds to Controversy on iPhone Batteries and Performance
The funny thing about Apple is that their communication problems tend to happen only when they don’t communicate at all. This whole iPhone battery controversy erupted only because Apple had never explained what was going on, which opened them up to accusations of nefarious intent.
General Meta Tags
2- titleDaring Fireball: Apple Responds to Controversy on iPhone Batteries and Performance
- charsetUTF-8
Open Graph Meta Tags
6- og:site_nameDaring Fireball
- og:titleApple Responds to Controversy on iPhone Batteries and Performance
- og:urlhttps://daringfireball.net/2017/12/apple_iphone_batteries
- og:descriptionThe funny thing about Apple is that their communication problems tend to happen only when they don’t communicate at all. This whole iPhone battery controversy erupted only because Apple had never explained what was going on, which opened them up to accusations of nefarious intent.
- og:imagehttps://daringfireball.net/graphics/df-square-1024
Twitter Meta Tags
6- twitter:cardsummary
- twitter:site@daringfireball
- twitter:creator@gruber
- twitter:titleApple Responds to Controversy on iPhone Batteries and Performance
- twitter:descriptionThe funny thing about Apple is that their communication problems tend to happen only when they don’t communicate at all. This whole iPhone battery controversy erupted only because Apple had never explained what was going on, which opened them up to accusations of nefarious intent.
Link Tags
14- alternate/feeds/main
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- home/
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15- https://1password.com/daringfireball
- https://daringfireball.net
- https://daringfireball.net/2017/12/side_button_to_confirm_payments_on_iphone_x
- https://daringfireball.net/2017/12/the_iphone_x
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