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Browser Detection with Client Hints and User Agents
Using User Agents alone is no longer good enough to detect a web browser, you need to take Client Hints into consideration as well. Our API is leading the way in Browser, Operating System, and Bot Detection, Take the headache out of parsing User Agents and aggregating Client Hints by using our powerful and free API to make sense of it all. We'll decode the browser, OS, type of hardware and software, if they're up to date and many more things.
Browser Detection with Client Hints and User Agents
Using User Agents alone is no longer good enough to detect a web browser, you need to take Client Hints into consideration as well. Our API is leading the way in Browser, Operating System, and Bot Detection, Take the headache out of parsing User Agents and aggregating Client Hints by using our powerful and free API to make sense of it all. We'll decode the browser, OS, type of hardware and software, if they're up to date and many more things.
Browser Detection with Client Hints and User Agents
Using User Agents alone is no longer good enough to detect a web browser, you need to take Client Hints into consideration as well. Our API is leading the way in Browser, Operating System, and Bot Detection, Take the headache out of parsing User Agents and aggregating Client Hints by using our powerful and free API to make sense of it all. We'll decode the browser, OS, type of hardware and software, if they're up to date and many more things.
General Meta Tags
7- titleBrowser Detection with Client Hints and User Agents -
- charsetutf-8
- descriptionUsing User Agents alone is no longer good enough to detect a web browser, you need to take Client Hints into consideration as well. Our API is leading the way in Browser, Operating System, and Bot Detection, Take the headache out of parsing User Agents and aggregating Client Hints by using our powerful and free API to make sense of it all. We'll decode the browser, OS, type of hardware and software, if they're up to date and many more things.
- viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes
- mobile-web-app-capableyes
Open Graph Meta Tags
- og:typeWebsite
- og:titleBrowser Detection with Client Hints and User Agents
- og:image
- og:descriptionUsing User Agents alone is no longer good enough to detect a web browser, you need to take Client Hints into consideration as well. Our API is leading the way in Browser, Operating System, and Bot Detection, Take the headache out of parsing User Agents and aggregating Client Hints by using our powerful and free API to make sense of it all. We'll decode the browser, OS, type of hardware and software, if they're up to date and many more things.
Twitter Meta Tags
5- twitter:cardsummary
- twitter:site@whatismybrowser
- twitter:creator@whatismybrowser
- twitter:titleBrowser Detection with Client Hints and User Agents
- twitter:descriptionUsing User Agents alone is no longer good enough to detect a web browser, you need to take Client Hints into consideration as well. Our API is leading the way in Browser, Operating System, and Bot Detection, Take the headache out of parsing User Agents and aggregating Client Hints by using our powerful and free API to make sense of it all. We'll decode the browser, OS, type of hardware and software, if they're up to date and many more things.
Link Tags
5- apple-touch-icon
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